Title: Guns Akimbo!
Filename: combos/akimbo.zip
Size: 180.65 KB
Date: 01/13/16
Author: TomoAlien
Description: 2 guns are better than 1 gun. So I've just made this for Doom.

Weapons include alternate attacks for more fun.
Credits: ID Software obviously, and my younger brother who kept asking me to make this.
Base: From scratch, I guess?
Build time: 4 Hours
Editor(s) used: Slade 3 and Paint.NET
Bugs: I couldn't figure out how to make the chainsaw into an akimbo weapon.
Rating: (4 votes)
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cool concept and execution. Adding on to this mod could make it legendary.x
walter confalonieri
it's a nice combo, think to see something like this years ago...x

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