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Alando Guns X
19.85 MB
Alando1 (Alan)
Weapon wad that is so groovy you'll be addicted to it. It contains dynamic lighting for GZDoom users and has updated and fixed weaponry.
It's in the wad when you hit F1 (Help Screen)
From Scratch
Build time:
Over 9 months (Most of it was testing)
Editor(s) used:
DeepSea, Doom Builder, Photoshop, Notepad, PictureIt! Express
There may be a slim chance that the game will crash when you trade off a weapon with another and quitting the game while playing the "Charles" Player class will crash (Only on GZDoom 1.1.2 and 1.1.6 [I have no idea why it does that])
(43 votes)
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======================================================================= Alando Guns X ======================================================================= Title : Alando Guns X Filename : alangunx.wad Files with the wad : altaunts.wad & reallite.wad Date Finished : November 29th, 2008 Author : Alando1 (Alan) E-Mail : ajd4070@hotmail.com Other Wads By Author : alanguns.wad, or anything relating to the P.I.A. Description : Weapon wad that is so groovy you'll be addicted to it. It contains dynamic lighting for GZDoom users and has updated and fixed weaponry. Additional Credits : It's in the wad when you hit F1 (Help Screen) ======================================================================= * **BE SURE TO READ THE OTHER NOTEPADS & THE MANUAL BEFORE PLAYING; IT WILL HELP YOU A LOT!** * WARNING: Do not use the codes IDFA or IDKFA. It will ruin the game. If you want all the guns, play each player class to try them. * * Play Information * Source port : ZDoom 2.2.0, GZDoom 1.1.2 or higher, and the latest version of Skulltag Map : Only the TITLEMAP Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Can be used (Not tested) Deathmatch : Can be used Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Yes New Music : On the TITLEMAP New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : None Other Game Styles : N/A * Construction * Base : From Scratch Build Time : Over 9 months (Most of it was testing) Editors used : DeepSea, Doom Builder, Photoshop, Notepad, PictureIt! Express Known Bugs : There may be a slim chance that the game will crash when you trade off a weapon with another and quitting the game while playing the "Charles" Player class will crash (Only on GZDoom 1.1.2 and 1.1.6 [I have no idea why it does that]) Other notes: I dedicate this wad to my friends and family but most of all to my father who passed away in Febuary 2008. Plus I credit those where credit is due; if you want to see all the credits press F1 in the game. If I'm missing someone in the credits, I have stated that if I forgot anyone, they know who they are that deserves credit. (There wasn't a lot of room on the credit page) **** *** ** *NOTE: Set up your player class in the PLAYER SETUP menu before playing.* ** *** **** WARNING: Do not use the codes IDFA or IDKFA. It will ruin the game. If you want all the guns, play each player class to try them. * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this WAD in any format (Internet, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You CANNOT copy the gib effects in any manner without my consent; if you make a wad with my gibs without my consent I will ask you to remove that effect from you wad. No one can copy my Class 3 Assault rifle without my consent and some of my special effects. If you feel that you want to use something from the wad and you feel uncomfortable just taking it with out asking, ask me anyway to play it safe. If you use any of my graphics be sure to credit me in your notepad document for your wad. If I see my graphics and you didn't credit me, I will ask you to put me into your credits. If you think this is an issue, don't even bother taking any of my things from the wad in the first place. Either you do it the way I'm asking you to or you can do it the hard way by expecting an email from me complaining to you many times until you do. Hopefully it wont come down to that but this is the best way to assure that no one takes my things and says it is theirs. It bothers me when people take away your credit where credit is really due. * Where to get this Wad? (You have it, don't ya?) http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ or any other mirrors.
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