Title: The Bad Guys
Filename: combos/badguys.zip
Size: 1.3 MB
Date: 10/16/04
Author: Martin Howe (a.k.a. The Crazy Cat)
Description: A set of monsters in DECORATE, plus some NAZI wall textures and swastika-motif transporter pads. The wall textures implement all of the wall-nazi-motif combinations (ZZWOLF* only contains some of them). This is used in my so-far unreleased BUTCHERY.WAD and it will be a while before that is ready; so I converted the monsters from DeHackEd to DECORATE and am releasing them in case anyone can use them.
Credits: The Usual (iD, Gerkhin/CodeImp, Olivier Montanauy)
Base: Various stuff (see credits) and many DeHackIngs
Build time: Five days including testing and feedback
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder, WinTex, DeHackEd, EditPlus2, PhotoStudio, ThumbsPlus Pro, Sound Recorder.
Rating: (16 votes)
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Damn, I can't get over well that FBI agent was made.x
I loved the Duke FBI Agent. Made me LOL. x
very, very nice. loved all the monsters, though the corrupt FBI agent with the duke nukem sounds, was awsome and my personal favorite. 5/5 -=R3D=- x
Good job. Just what I needed for my projects. Thanks. -Raccoon Officer-x
This is another great custom monster wad. The Duke of Hell and the Corrupt FBI agent in it are hilarious.x

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