Filename: music/beatles2.zip
Size: 101.17 KB
Date: 02/01/96
Author: Mike Fisher
Description: The original BEATLES.WAD got some feedback to release the other 20 beatles songs in a wad so, here they are. I just HAD to put the DRVCAR.MID in there again so I did.
Credits: IdSoftware, preferences in the first BEATLES.TXT
Base: Sequel to the original BEATLES.WAD
Build time: About ten minutes
Editor(s) used: WinTex 3.4, WinTex 4.1 (DeuTex)
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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I've been wondering about the "bogus credits...forbids reuse" part too. Plagiarism at its worst.x
The same useless midi muzak as before, although there are only 19 songs and not 20 (unless the 20th is somewhere between levels 20 and 30; in which case it is lost to history). Redundant because your computer is fast enough to play Doom and have Beatles MP3s running in the background. Bogus credits, too; the author forbids reuse and demands payment, but I doubt he created the original MIDI files and he certainly doesn't have the right to republish the songs.x

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