Title: Blood of Bin Laden Ally Imperialist Items ACS Enter Script
Filename: combos/boblaiia.zip
Size: 2.48 MB
Date: 08/17/15
Author: Imperialist
Description: You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May God be with you.
Credits: n/a
Base: New from scratch
Build time: n/a
Editor(s) used: n/a
Bugs: Not that I know of, but areas w/ lots of activities will spam + lag audio/visual.
Rating: (9 votes)
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If ISIS made a mod, this is quite literally what it would be like. Seriously.x
I think by now we all know that if a txt starts with "just maintain this file and that's it", the email ends in unseen.is, the author info has a misplaced comma, and the description includes "may God be with you", it is yet another upload of the same mod with different sprites. I am puzzled that these keep getting accepted since it is basically like submitting the same Terrywad several times under different names with different textures.x
Why put this shit in the archives?It's sickening.x

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