Title: Blood of Bin Laden Skins
Filename: skins/boblskin.zip
Size: 7.48 MB
Date: 09/16/13
Author: Infidel
Description: Skins of most monsters from Blood of Bin Laden Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from imperial infidel forces (a.k.a. counter terrorism forces). You can be either a Mechanic, Dual M-1911 Pistol Unit, M-16 Rifle Unit, M-9A1 Super Bazooka Unit, and Stoner 63 Rifle Unit. Troll it up, troll it down, troll with the sound. Now go have fun and fuck around, you bitch.
Credits: n/a
Base: Modified
Build time: n/a
Editor(s) used: n/a
Bugs: Not that I know of.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Quite some usefull stuff for things like Regular Day or something like that.x
this a raciest skin packx

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