Title: Brad&co
Filename: music/bradco.zip
Size: 339.05 KB
Date: 11/08/95
Author: Brad Edgeworth
Description: This is a wad with 32 different songs in it. My next project will include a wad with new graphics and sounds. It will follow along in the soon-to-be Brad&co series. So keep an eye out for it. You also might want to check out my Diehard.wad which is a sound wad.
Credits: Brad Caplan (for his ideas) Chris Edgeworth (Beta-tester)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Midi2Mus, NWT 1.03
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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that reviewer forgot to put 4/5 and put 3/5.i will vote 5/5 to balance things upx
Good i guess its got alot of good songs but a few are not good. so i say it would be rated 4 stars ****/***** so 4 out of five pretty damn good!x

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