Title: Gasoline-Powered Chainsaw 1.1.1
Filename: combos/chainsawfuel.zip
Size: 48.17 KB
Date: 05/26/18
Author: Rodrigo "Rusco Istar" Gonzalez
Description: This is a small Doom/Doom II gameplay mod that utilizes ZDoom derivated ports' DECORATE functions (GZdoom, Skulltag, Zandronum, etc.) to change the behaviour of the Chainsaw. It includes .pk3 files for Vanilla Doom as well as popular mods (currently Beautiful Doom Zandronum, Beautiful Doom 6.3.2, Project Brutality 2.0.3a, Project Brutality 3.0[Jan 21, 2018] and Brutal Doom v21[Apr 25, 2018]).
Credits: Anton Akopov (aka Jekyll_Grim_Payne, Agent_Ash, zer0) for the Beautiful Doom original code.
Base: Modified (-)
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3
Bugs: Some mods may refuse to display the fuel indicator properly.
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