Title: Chasm: the Rift Textures
Filename: graphics/chasmtex.zip
Size: 1.27 MB
Date: 12/28/08
Author: Taradino Cassatt
Description: 426 textures from Chasm: the Rift, including some skies.
Credits: Action Forms Ltd.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: XWE
Rating: (9 votes)
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Dr. Crowley
Amazing textures but there is a problem about using this pack. Many patches have spaces in the end of their names (like pyr14 .png) and because of this they won't be shown properly in the actual game (and in any map editor except of Doom Builder 2). x
Wery good wad for level desingers. 5/5. Azamaelx

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