Title: COD ray gun
Filename: combos/codraygn.zip
Size: 53.13 KB
Date: 05/13/16
Author: Sgt Ender, aka Enderkevin13
Description: This is the first known COD ray gun recreated in Doom. I dunno if it's been done before, but have fun with this, and use it for whatever...

I made this as accurate to the COD ray gun as much as I could. Like I said, if you wanna use it for something or modify it, do it. Credit me though and link the download (aka this page).

The weapon is in slot 6 and it comes after the plasma rifle.
Credits: HazeBandicoot for some help, you can find him on ZDoom forums
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple hours maybe
Editor(s) used: SLADE3, Paint.NET
Bugs: As far as I can see, I fixed most of them before releasing this.
Rating: (5 votes)
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