Title: DARK MENU v1.1 - for The Darkening: Episode 2
Filename: graphics/darkmenu.zip
Size: 276.88 KB
Date: 06/08/00
Author: Sparky of KISS Software
Description: A graphics-only addon for The Darkening: Episode 2 - one of the most anticipated Doom releases of all time - because it was made by some of the most talented level designers in the Doom Community. You can get The Darkening Episode 2 from their homepage: http://www.doomworld.com/darkening

DarkMenu modifies the menu graphics and message text for use with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom2 and many Source Ports. It extends the Darkening theme by extensive use of the Darkening text font and The Darkening's orange, high-tech/industrial colour scheme.
Credits: - The Darkening2 Crew for such a professional and fun set of levels and textures.
- Ola Björling (ola@techno.org) for:
a) the Starlightseed Citysightseeing TrueType Font (starlite.ttf) which was used to create the new graphics for the various menu options.
b) the Darkening graphics I used to create the following images: titlepic, credit, consback, endoom, d2ttl, m_butt1, m_skull1, and rankings.
- id Software for the original messsage text font, and several images which I just colorized orange and edited slightly - the floppy disk icon, sliders, and load/save game text boxes.
- the Source Port authors whose images I 'borrowed', colorized and edited:
Randy Heit - ZDoom - player box image
Simon Howard - SMMU - slider images
- TeamTNT for the Color Translation Tables used in darkmfix.wad to correct the font colour problems in the Boom-based sources.
- the authors of all the Source Ports I had so much fun with testing DarkMenu (see the list of Source Ports below).
Base: starlite.ttf; edited images from Doom2, darken2.wad, ZDoom, SMMU; Boom's color tables
Build time:
Editor(s) used: PaintShop Pro, New Wad Tools, WinTex, Lumpy
Bugs: see below
Rating: (3 votes)
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