Title: Demonfear MIDI Pack
Filename: music/dfmid11.zip
Size: 446.48 KB
Date: 09/14/22
Author: P41R47
Description: Here's another MIDI Pack project! Because I haven't done one ever but i like the ones out there. So, why not make a compilation of different track released by different authors for one of the most beloved megawads out there!

If you are not familiar with Demonfear, I highly recommend it. It features short semi-realistic maps designed by the unique Adam Windsor (Capellan) who you might be familiar with if you enjoyed playing some of the most recognized wads out there (namely: Memento Mori 2, Requiem, STRAIN, Alien Vendetta, etc.).

Included in this project are a new TITLEPIC i made, a new INTERPIC, a new BOSSBACK, a new STATUS BAR, and a new ENDDOOM image, also level names patches telling the story of Demonfear and a Dehacked patch with new texscreen messages.

Changelog v0.9 -Initial release -Included all tracks, dehacked and test CWILV patches

v1.0 -Fixed the CWILV patches to be more readable and compatible with all source-ports.

v1.1 -Change Something metal.mid and Lunatic Pandora (Viscra snare).mid by Viscra Maesltrom to he Spiders Are Coming.mid and Cyberdreamin'.mid by Crunchymut44. -Fixed track27 to the intended track by Alfonzo (named Flummox, was Wheezer, now is Flummox) -Change .mid files to .mus files (thanks Doomkid!) Now completely compatible with original Doom2.exe -Added a new Status Barm and a nice ENDOOM lump.

* Tracks *

TITLE: Nihility's Edge (Hellish Godzilla - PlutoniaMidiPack -unused track-) (flipped, octaves kept) INTER: Rise.mid (Doomhuntress - PlutoniaMidiPack -Unused track-) (flipped, octaves kept) README: Astral Grave (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) MAP01: IntoTheAction2.mid (Primeval) MAP02: All Systems Agogo.mid (Alfonzo) (flipped, octaves kept) map03: SKODF.mid (Jazzmaster9) map04: riff off.mid (Jazzmaster9) map05: Asteroids.mid (Dial-Up for Murder - MIDI Dreams) map06: Give Me Back My Future.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Dreams) map07: The Spiders Are Coming.mid (Crunchynut44) map08: City of Prisms.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) map09: Coward's Park.mid (LewkForce) map10: Acceptable Levels of Biohazard.mid (LewkForce)(flipped, octaves kept) map11: Doglead.mid (Alfonzo) (flipped, octaves kept) map12: Saturn.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) map13: Deathtapes.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares)(flipped, octaves kept) map14: Dynamo Frats.mid (LewkForce) map15: Assault on 849.mid (Viscra Maelstrom) map31: ThePowerOfHate.mid (Vadim Taranov aka Darkcrafter) map32: Doom2TitleRemake.mid (Vadim Taranov aka Darkcrafter) map16: Evil on Parade.mid (Alfonzo) map17: Desert Lake Ceremony.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) (flipped, octaves kept) map18: Panic! At The Drive-Thru.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Dreams) map19: Little River.mid (LewkForce) map20: Cyberdreamin'.mid (Crunchynut44) map21: That Dying Sensation.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) map22: D_MESSG2.mid (yakfak - PlutoniaMidiPack -Unused track-) (flipped, octaves kept) map23: Subtle Fury.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) map24: Primal Pool (La Brea).mid (LewkForce) map25: Neon Glitter.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Nightmares) map26: Child's Play (Revise).mid (Viscra Maelstrom) map27: Flummox.mid (Alfonzo) map28: I've Only Got One Emotion.mid (Dial-up for Murder - MIDI Dreams) (flipped, octaves kept) map29: Ascension of Satan (Mark Two).mid (Viscra Maelstrom) map30: Stone Chamber.mid (LewkForce)
Credits: The composers who uploaded their workto the forums. Thanks to all! Great work! :D Primeval Alfonzo Jazzmaster9 Dial-up for Murder Crunchynut44 LewkForce Viscra Maelstrom Vadim Taranov aka Darkcrafter Yakfak Hellish Godzilla
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Development started around mid September 2019.
Editor(s) used: MIDI Flipper by Shadow Hog. CWILV patches generated at https://eev.ee/release/2019/12/01/doom-text-generator/ ENDEDIT by Jim Valavanis.
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