Title: Divine Malice II
Filename: combos/dm2-inu.zip
Size: 625.69 KB
Date: 11/15/05
Author: Mike "Inuyasha_989" Kasten
Description: for links)
Credits: Corry Whittle: Throwing Knives Tripheleron: Jetflock and Chronoteeth Pulse Rifle: Killer_of_Doom and Xaser Demonic Firepower: NeoWorm Firestorm Shotgun: TheDarkArchon Chainsaw Launcher: Xaser Guitar: Imp_Fiend
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2 days
Editor(s) used: XWE, MSPaint
Bugs: None for all I know...
Rating: (15 votes)
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meh weird last weapon. only gun I like is the plasma gun. an improvement though. x
Not too bad a weapons mod... and it is better than Divine Malice I... but you can't use your bullets for anything. Sloppy...x
the first won didint work for me, but this won does and it kicks major ass! 5/5 x
To those Downloading it, be sure to READ THE TEXT FILE PLEASE! You must use either ZDoom 2.0.96x or GZdoom! The links are in the text file.x
Nicely Done. 4/5x
Very fun weapons.x

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