Title: Enforcer skin
Filename: skins/enforcer.zip
Size: 261.09 KB
Date: 08/30/06
Author: RottKing
Description: The Enforcer from Duke Nukem 3D. Also includes a bot for Skulltag.
Credits: Carvevil for Skulltag and 3DRealms for Duke3D.
Base: Original Duke3D sprites.
Build time: about 3 - 5 hours a day for five days.
Editor(s) used: XWE, Cool edit, and Paint shop pro 9.
Bugs: Sprite scaling doesn't work with ZDaemon, so he'll be very large.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Awsome just tubular that you made a bot skulltag and i dont even know how to make a skin.x
Good work! :)x

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