Title: George Doom (version 2)
Filename: graphics/gdoom2.zip
Size: 6.32 KB
Date: 12/21/00
Author: Don Miller
Description: This graphics-only wad, for Doom or Doom II, replaces the Cacodemon with George's head (George is/was the author's boss).
Credits: Sparky of KISS Software (kelm@eisa.net.au) for converting the original Dmgraph patch to wad format.
Base: gdoom.zip by Don Miller (Dmgraph version).
Build time: maybe an hour
Editor(s) used: Dmgraph, WinTex, DeuTex
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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There was a brief era in the mid-nineties when doom more than anything else a medium to insert a floating head of your least favorite man. This is from that era.x

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