Title: Grape Soda
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/grapesoda.zip
Size: 1.58 MB
Date: 01/15/24
Author: MArt1And00m3r11339
Description: Grape Soda is a map that features lots of purple. Play through of the map can be found on my YouTube page via external links on the Doom Wiki page.
Credits: *ID Software for Doom II. *Aubrey Hodges for the Doom 64 sounds. *Maximiliano Cislaghi for the mug shot. *Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) for the Slaughterfest 3 resources. *General Rainbow Bacon for the Slaughterfest invention. *Realm 667 for the demolisher. *Ola Bjorling (Ukiro) for the textures and flats.

**Any missing or inaccurate information should be reported to me which can be done via ModDB (listed in the external links on the Doom Wiki page linked here).
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade
Bugs: None that I know of.
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