Title: Doom Guitarist
Filename: skins/guitaris.zip
Size: 191.53 KB
Date: 07/01/08
Author: Lupinx-ressurected aka. Lupinx-Kassman
Description: This is a simple skin of a guitar wielding marine. Combined from various things at the time (see additional credits). There are two versions. The one called GuitarST.wad is for Skulltag, it includes a taunt and a botfile. The version called GuitarZD is for use in Zdoom and its other branches.
Credits: Graphics: XXLFragger for the XXLFragger Skin which was used as a base. The XXLFragger skin used the player from Rogue Entertainment's Strife as a base, with parts of the player from iD Software's Doom added. Gaia Interactive's GaiaOnline for the "Cary's Guitar" sprite used as the guitar in the sprites. Sounds: iD Software's Quake for all sounds aside from the taunt and player landing sound. Guitar-Wav.com (now defunct) for Lenny.wav which was used as the tuant. Chris Harbin, Paul Corfiatis, and John Bishop's "Operation: Biowar" for the player landing sound. Special Thanks: Rottking for their Lo Wang skin which if I recall correctly was how I learned how to put skin stuff together at the time Friends and family for being cool folks both then and now
Base: Strife player.
Build time: About a day.
Editor(s) used: XWE
Bugs: None.
Rating: (18 votes)
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