Title: Guns PC v1.261
Filename: combos/gunspc.zip
Size: 1.12 MB
Date: 11/15/01
Author: Espi
Description: This wad is for EDGE (http://edge.sourceforge.net/) It enhances and changes all doom weapons and some items. It works fine with original Doom levels, so it has no new maps. I'm making a level designed for this tho. You can also make your own maps, see the extra.txt for all the new items you can put in your map.
Credits: Andrew Apted and Marc A. Pullen. Authors of the models and other resources I used. List of sources is included.
Base: See sources.txt.
Build time: Being editing this more or less since summer 2000.
Editor(s) used: WinTEX, PSP, GoldWave, XWE.
Bugs: None.
Rating: (10 votes)
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Does not run correctly with newer versions of EDGE Doom.x
how to use this shit !"! x
A fun and interesting weapons mod from Espi, with some nice new weapons and smooth animations (with much better quality than most of the other model-rip mods out there). I love the BFG. 4/5 -Weaselx
Very nice use of the EDGE system,but lacks the gun reload feature that Immoral Conduct has.Atleast its better than the Counter Strike Mod...x

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