Title: Hal skin for Zdoom (and related ports
Filename: skins/hal.zip
Size: 89.72 KB
Date: 07/09/01
Author: Carl Celizic (aka Striker)
Description: Hal well techinically a spheron some fictitious critter born from my doodles over numerous years of bored note taking. Basically its a ball with eyes and a base ball cap and 2 free floating hands and hemisphere like feet I drew this bugger from scratch
Base: New graphics from scratch .
Build time: Couple days of actual graphical work 10 months of banging my head on the computer before Gokuma swooped to the rescue
Editor(s) used: Microsoft paint, Corel Photohouse, dmgraph, XME, Microsoft sound recorder
Bugs: No.
Rating: (3 votes)
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