Title: Half-Life Blood Effects
Filename: combos/hlgudo.zip
Size: 4.09 KB
Date: 12/13/15
Author: sonic_HD87
Description: Blood effects from Half-Life to be used on both Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

UPDATE: I've made some changes to the graphics, and after a intense session against bots, i've realized that 3 minutes of duration is WAY too long to be a default value, so i reduce the duration to 63 tics.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 Days
Editor(s) used: Slade 3
Bugs: Both Rocket and PlasmaBall can spawn a BloodSplatter actor. It is NOT a bug/glitch, i just made it for the sake to mimic the same behavior of Half-Life's explosions.
Rating: (2 votes)
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walter confalonieri
it's okx

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