Title: Heretic Deathmatch Tips
Filename: deathmatch/htic_dm.zip
Size: 5.93 KB
Date: 04/28/95
Author: Louis "Farmer" Gorenfeld
Description: Don't you just hate it when some guy with no life who all he does is play Heretic on his computer challenges you to a game of Heretic? "Ahh, c'mon! I'll play easy on ya! It'll be fun!". Well, I don't know because I'm the one killing, maiming, and just bustin' heads in general. I've been beat really hard at games such as Street Fighter II because I wasn't some expert on the subject. Well, time for revenge! Read this, practice, pump up and challenge that sucker to "one last game". Remember the ad where a guy and his girl are at the beach and some big jerk kicks sand in his face and takes the guy's girl? Well, you can be just like that ad. Have fun!
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