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About atroche

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    Warming Up

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  1. Hey guys, I've been diving into the guts of doom lately, using Chocolate Doom as a reference (initially due to Fabien's glowing praise). My first goal is just to be able to play Doom II in the browser. Along the way, I've been stripping out bits of code that don't really have an impact on me or my use case. The readme has a fuller list, and you can also see the full set of commits / file changes I've made (attached a picture of summary). Right now the biggest changes are getting the basic Emscripten (C -> JS/WASM) workflow set up side-by-side with the native builds using CMake instead of autotools Removing a lot of platform-specific code Removing Hexen / Strife / Heretic / etc. The readme has instructions about how to get it set up to build natively or for the browser. Right now the browser version only gets as far as initializing the music system (first attached image). I'm sure it's not a huge road blocker, I just ran out of time on my flight from Melbourne to Boulder :) Prior art, for those curious: https://github.com/kripken/boon. Anyway, I'm quite new to all of this, so I'd love some pointers, or even people just trying out the instructions in the readme to see if the basic build process works. Oh, and if anyone from the GZDoom team feels like chipping in on how epic a project it would be to port to WebAssembly, please chime in. Cheers!
  2. atroche

    Social Doom

    Yep, love the idea about having different hang out / combat areas. Especially if we could hook up a way to watch the chase cams from in the social spaces :) I'll check out those “Old School” maps, they sound interesting. I've set a reminder if my calendar to ping you after August 1st to see if you have any free time :)
  3. atroche

    Social Doom

    Huh, that's funny, I was just watching Major Arelene's video of one of your mods and I can't wait to play it when I've found my feet in Boulder. Would you be up for trying to have a little Doom meetup in the Boulder / Denver area? I'm happy to do hosting / organisational stuff. (Or we could just chat on the Discord channel if that's lower commitment)
  4. atroche

    Social Doom

    No worries! Can you tell me more about your thoughts on the roleplaying map? Do you mean one that feels more like a town (with taverns, shops, etc.) in EverQuest, or like the roleplaying map of say Dialbo II? And are there any kinds of times or days that work well for you, aside from this Sunday? Feel free to PM if you feel weird talking about your real life on an internet forum :)
  5. atroche

    Social Doom

    By the way, which channels are active these days? There are so many listed here: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/IRC
  6. atroche

    Social Doom

    (Six people deathmatching right now)
  7. atroche

    Social Doom

    Okay, I've set up a Zandronum 2.1.2 server on the static IP of, in Google's us-central1 region. I'm getting pings of ~40ms in Boulder. You can find it in Doomseeker as “Social Doom”, or just connect to that IP directly. It's running MAP01 deathmatch at the moment, let me know where you'd prefer to hang out. The Discord for voice or text chat is here: https://discord.gg/es3H6bu So, how's Sunday 2PM EST?
  8. atroche

    Social Doom

    I'm after voice chat, and I'm also curious to see if being in a virtual space adds anything to the social element.
  9. atroche

    Social Doom

    Hello! Would anyone be interested in hanging out on a Doom server and just … chatting? Say, this Sunday 11am west coast USA time (2pm east cost)? I've just moved to Boulder from Melbourne. Any suggestions re. the best way to do audio chat, and a good list of maps / settings for hanging out in? I'm happy to do the server hosting. Some things I'm keen to talk about: porting Doom to the browser (more fully than boon) Doom + WebVR Cheers.
  10. Ran out of time, gotta head out now, any chance you'd run CLOC over it and let me know?
  11. Updated! Thanks for that.
  12. Hey guys, I wrote a post about running CLOC over various id tech games and source ports. I've attached the key bar charts to this post. I'm by no means an expert, so let me know if I got anything wrong in that post. I'm definitely not trying to make any points or arguments about the various ports; this is just a tiny first step in understanding Doom engines better. Cheers!
  13. atroche

    Beautiful WADs

    Hah, I'll send her the link. On a semi-related note, if you had to name one wad as “the most beautiful”, which would it be?
  14. atroche

    Beautiful WADs

    My friend finds the Doom mod scene to be energising and inspiring, but she's not a fan of gore, Gieger, violence and demons. That combo stresses her out, basically. Are there any mods that aim to be beautiful in quite a different way to Doom, or that focus less on adrenaline?
  15. Well, drat, you caught me out. I thought I could get away with using extra shots from other lan parties to establish the mood. Little did I suspect there'd be someone from that scene paying close attention! Any chance I could interview you about your experiences from back then, for a video? You'd get final say on what gets published, and I promise not to talk any shortcuts with history this time ;) (Also, I worked as a games journo for two years, so I'm not super awkward to talk to, and will ask good questions.)