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Eon Toad

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About Eon Toad

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  1. Eon Toad

    What's your favourite Doom game?

    Final Doom. I love how Plutonia takes the puzzle box design of Doom 2 ramps it up, and how TNT feels like a wild adventure.
  2. @janiform I'm good with that being my final version.
  3. I submitted my map a while ago. Here's a fresh link to it. Map 13: Uptown https://www.mediafire.com/file/y67a08q4cwg1p26/Uptown.wad/file
  4. I made some small tweaks to map 24, adding a couple extra threats on UV and fixing a bleeding sector. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zwvzqppin8wznpz/Exterminator.wad/file
  5. Eon Toad

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    Got this lightsaber for a music video I'll be shooting for soon.
  6. Eon Toad

    What are you listening to?

    I've been obsessed with the new Theocracy album. They play Christian power metal, but it's way better than that combination sounds.
  7. Eon Toad

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    I got a Pandora arcade machine for me and the kids to introduce them to some of my childhood favorites.
  8. Eon Toad

    Which 90s fps games have the best story, gameplay, and soundtrack?

    Story and music: Dark Forces. Nothing else at the time felt quite so immersive. It really captures the feeling of being in the Star Wars universe. And the music is so spot-on it's easy to forget that most of it is original and not from the movies. Gameplay: Doom 2. It's amazing how Doom got so much right so early. The game feel and balance are so fine-tuned you'd think they spent years making it. The core gameplay loop still holds up and probably always will.
  9. I had a false start with an overly-ambitious idea and I've restarted with a new one and should have something playable to share before long.
  10. Eon Toad

    [Community Project] VANITY

    I'd like to take map 13
  11. Eon Toad

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I've been playing a lot of King of Fighters with older my son lately. I got the boys a retro emulator that hooks up to the TV and he's taken to fighting games like a natural.
  12. Eon Toad

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    Not quite, but you can get systems that run PSX for not a lot more. This runs up to 16 bit systems with mixed performance on higher and SNES and GBA games.
  13. Eon Toad

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    About two months ago I got a Data Frog, a cool little $20 retro handheld emulator. And I just got a pair of wireless controllers to convert it into a home console for the kids.
  14. This project looks very promising and I'd be happy to join.
  15. This is my band, Eons Enthroned. We're an international power metal collaboration project that's currently working on our second album. Here's one of our singles from last year.