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About Rudolph

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  1. I've got a bad feeling about this... It's no 'Doom'... it's on Playstation!
  2. My favourite Star Wars games are not exactly classics (in fact, they have aged quite poorly and one of them was not very well received even back then), but I still have a lot of affection for Force Commander (including its kickass remixed soundtrack) and the N64 version of Shadows of the Empire (the one with the minimally-animated slideshow cutscenes that have aged so much better than the PC port's CG cutscenes).
  3. Rudolph

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Speaking of which, I read that the Viva New Vegas guide now supports the EGS version!
  4. Oh, you are right. My bad. X( I meant Qataqomb 3-D!
  5. I do not know if it counts as proper Star Wars media, but have you checked out Auralnauts' hilarious Trainspotting-esque comedic redub?
  6. Rudolph

    which monster do you hate the most?

    I hate getting blindsided by the Revenant's homing missiles, especially when they kill me right after I had killed their shooter. It is also annoying when I find myself in a room where there is no way of shaking the homing missiles off or when they manage to keep chasing me no matter where I run to. I would not mind it so much if there was a way to shoot said missiles, like in Doom 3. I am also not a fan of the Arch-Vile being able to keep channeling its pyrokinesis attack even when there are enemies blocking its sight. Seriously, a tiny wood pillar will prevent the Arch-Vile from targeting me, but a Demon, a hulking Baron of Hell or a huge-ass Mancubus will not?!? Doom II really could use a Railgun-type weapon for this sort of situation.
  7. Rudolph

    Megawads ruined or redeemed by 1-2 maps?

    I would not say that MAP28: Run For It "ruined" Scythe for me, but it made me like the mapset a lot less...
  8. Rudolph

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Just found out about the fan translation to a 1999 Japanese turn-based tactical RPG called Ecsaform.
  9. Rudolph

    Most recent movie you saw

    I guess I am a bit of a sucker for stories where messy people get to sit down and reflect on their lives. Also, the movie is worth it just for the "NO MORE CATHOLICS" scene. XD
  10. Rudolph

    Most recent movie you saw

    Eh. Apart from a certain scene, it was too wacky and over-the-top to make me feel depressed. Plus I am always happy to hear the Scottish accent in all its glory! I was surprised to see Jonny Lee Miller in there, though, as he is not Scottish, unlike his co-leads. EDIT: So apparently, there is also a sequel by the name of "T2"... Questionable title aside, it was alright.
  11. Rudolph

    Most recent movie you saw

    Trainspotting, starring Ewan McGregor. Now, I see where the comedic geniuses behind Auralnauts got their inspiration for their hilarious Star Wars redub. XD
  12. Yes! A couple tracks were even used for Doom: The Lost Episode and they are a perfect match!