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Man of Doom

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About Man of Doom

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  1. And then Doomguy became EL SEXO. (on a more serious note, isn’t it weird that nuDoom is the only outing to not really have any profanity or sexual content? I mean, apparently the Whiplash was supposed to have breasts and the only swearing we got in 2016 is either a SnapMap voice module or just cut short; also, “fuck” is like the one profanity that never gets used in Doom 3)
  2. Man of Doom

    thoughts on The Doom Awards™

    Welp, I don’t really have all that much to add in regards to new revelations, so all I’ll say is this: At times I may struggle to write something like the Doom manga (like anyone does with a project like this), but at least I’m not using anything like ChatGPT to cheat my way through it. For everyone struggling to write something (whether it’s Doom-related or not), know that your writing voice will always be uniquely yours; don’t let an algorithm take that away from you. Because even on your worst day, your own writing is still going to be better than an AI on its best day. (same goes for artists too, because I still remember the Doom Awards’ egregious use of AI art as well)
  3. Man of Doom

    James McCaffrey Dead at 65

    Fuck, this actually stings.
  4. Man of Doom

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    Oh nice, both Sigil and Sigil II got added!
  5. Man of Doom

    I'm working on a Doom manga. (First reveal)

    Right on schedule too. While this announcement will officially go on the original post (among other things), might as well put this here as well. (and yeah, definitely go check out the artists working on this manga when you can) https://www.instagram.com/p/C0qPT5oMA2Y/
  6. Man of Doom

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    nice (also going to check this out ASAP)
  7. Man of Doom

    I'm working on a Doom manga. (First reveal)

    The next teaser has dropped: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0gETfYsWCk/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== And with this teaser comes bad news, good news, and an open question. First, the bad news: due to prior commitments by the artists and them not having enough time to get things done by December 10, said reveal on December 10 is going to have to be one final teaser. Currently, there’s no date for the actual reveal, but I should hopefully have it for you sooner rather than later. I don’t want to end up rushing Tatsumi and GENU, and I know for sure that their work will be ready when they deem it so. But yeah, the official date for the full reveal has been moved to When It’s Done (not the actual manga, just the concept art planned for that public reveal). Second, the good news: after all is said and done, I know for sure that not only do I have more of a plan going forward (on top of nearly being finished with writing the first five chapters), I also know for sure these artists have officially dedicated themselves to the cause. Their commitment has been confirmed. As for the December 10 teaser itself, let’s just say that it’s going to be one hell of a teaser. Not only that, I’ve already been starting to see bits and pieces of the concept art that’s going to be shown for the full reveal, and I can safely confirm that you’re going to need extra amounts of ready for that reveal. But yeah, When It’s Done is indeed likely to come sooner rather than later (I would roughly estimate around March-April at the latest, but it could be much earlier than that). Lastly, the open question: I would actually like to preface this by letting you know that I did not start working on this project hoping for any kind of financial gain, only to tell a story that’s not only unmistakably Doom but also to tell a story I can call my own. Does this mean that working on this project full-time is already out of the question? I honestly can’t answer that now, but I can tell you now that things are already ok with my having a day job. From the money perspective, I should be ok. I know things can change in a split-second (and I can tell you that from firsthand experience many times over), but I should be fine in the end. With that out of the way, how would you guys feel if I was to either open up a Patreon or Discord server subscriptions for the Doom manga (or both)? Said Patreon or Discord subs would be so that the artists working on this manga can be regularly and consistently paid on a regular basis. As a result, the revenue from both of those would be split evenly between GENU and Tatsumi, and I would not see a single cent of said revenue. And in case you were wondering, this was entirely my decision and my decision alone. The only reason I haven’t already gotten around to this is not only due to lack of time (particularly with life stuff and also trying to get this reveal all wrapped up), but also due to potential copyright concerns. And as for said copyright concerns (specifically regarding distribution of chapters and volumes), it’s a matter I’ve already discussed with the artists. In the very near future, I also want to discuss with you all as to what our current plans are for distribution. Lastly, this would all be set up to essentially thank the artists for all of their hard work. I know for sure that their work is going to make this project into something truly special. So just to recap with you: while there are plans to setup a Patreon and/or Discord subscriptions, this is only to make sure the manga’s artists are paid as handsomely as possible, and I will not be profiting off of that in any personal capacity. Before I forget: yes, there is a Discord for this project, and it’s regularly used by all three of us. And in the near-future, I may reach out for help in not only finishing its setup, but also putting together a team of moderators before this Discord server is to go public.
  8. Man of Doom

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    Another WAD got added to the Elite Club of Probably Canon PWADs.
  9. Man of Doom

    I'm working on a Doom manga. (First reveal)

    The first teaser has just dropped. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzDVsYMsGkc/?igshid=YjVjNjZkNmFjNg== And with that out of the way, I would like to announce that more teasers will be shown in the coming weeks, leading up to the first official reveal of the Doom manga on Doom’s 30th anniversary. While I may not be necessarily spamming the future teasers here, I do ask that these teasers get as much attention and engagement as they possibly can, so that the reveal can be appropriately one hell of an event. And yes, that means more likes and retweets in the thing there for this teaser as well.
  10. Man of Doom

    I'm working on a Doom manga. (First reveal)

    So in the coming days, I’m gonna be reaching out to various movers and shakers in the Doom community to help out with spreading awareness of the Doom manga as we should finally start having things to show in time for Doom’s 30th anniversary. Big things are officially coming on December 10th. But in the meantime, please enjoy this teaser image (as a more complete version of it will be posted to social media in the coming days).
  11. Man of Doom

    Twitter is rebranding to X

    I know that at least with the Simpsons, supposedly it was at the request of the Emerald Failson himself. I also know that he literally showed up with a flintlock pistol to a recording booth, demanded that he be added as a character in Cyberpunk 2077.
  12. Where corruption, war, and pain is god. I absolutely cannot wait to play this when I get the chance.
  13. Man of Doom

    Doom Year Zero coming from Bethesda

    As far as I can remember, it was from one of his livestreams (I think it was when he was playing through Reclaimed Earth).
  14. Man of Doom

    Doom Year Zero coming from Bethesda

    Hugo Martin has also confirmed that their next game will play more like “driving a monster truck” whereas Eternal’s gameplay was like “driving a Ferrari”. I suspect that this next title will be less about unrelenting speed and more about destructibility. From what I remember, these enemies popped up after the Kadingir Sanctum: Pinky (destroyed Argent Facility) Cyber-Mancubus (Advanced Research Complex) Spectre (Necropolis) Even so, both the Cacodemon and Lost Soul showed up around the same time as the Baron.