Doom 3 Latest Topics 3 Latest TopicsenDOOM 3s Engine is more sophisticated than you were aware of (Demo proof) If I took a photo of DOOM Eternal up close to any texture you want to look at, this mod is beating it. 100% in resolution for shaders or textures. I know because I own both games and took photos side by side. Its not even close. Not that BC7 compression is helping. It turns out the more radical the resolution the less relevant lossy compression ends up being, and it starts scaling very favorably for DXT1.

In development. Reasonable machine versions will be free. Crazy super god resolution version will be pay walled (the files obnoxious). All levels compile without crashing, and this was extremely difficult to achieve as the goal was per pixel texture and shader resolution which the RTX 4090 lacks the memory bandwidth to fully achieve aiming for 4k. It runs into bandwidth wall before vram since the 60fps game logic gets in the way. I was contacted by a programmer working on the semi reverse engineered DOOM 3 code Prey SDK hybrid for Quest 2 and I will be supporting the unit to the fullest while porting the efficiency achieved working on the RTX 4090 version as weird as that might sound. The OG devs of Prey werent being 100% efficient with vram resources. And some of it isnt their fault. Id rather not be forced to use DXT1/3/5 with mipmaps for UI elements since this is just wasteful. Im using the new custom resolution feature id tech 3 lacked to really sculpt the living hell out of the render, painstakingly grinding months in the game engine 7 days a week to get the most efficient use of memory humanly possible. To take it farther I need changes to the game code itself. More compression variety working at the same time would get better results.

The DOOM 3 engine WILL scale to hardware that hasnt even come out yet despite being x86 code in this case. Thats because John Carmack built a time machine and called it id tech 4. All it really lacks in practice is a good texture streaming technology (megatexture is trash) and proper multithreading. OpenGL single threadedness is also kind of lame but doesnt appear to be that much of an issue since its all so insanely efficient for what it is.

Im using:
DXT1 diffuse
DXT1 specular
DXT3 sharp transition alphas
DXT5 gradual transition alphas
RXGB DXT5 normals and heightmaps

I will be going into the game editor and blender to further improve the render once textures are complete. Anyone who wants to support mods like this will end up seeing more of them.

"Why are you getting as close as possible to textures by crouching looking at floors and up against walls? No one plays the game like this."

Because 8k displays can be found for under 200$ now. Small ones anyway. And the price will continue to drop in the future as memory bandwidth and raw vram buffer size increases. And im going to assume that one day someone will actually write code to update the OpenGL renderer to something DLSS 3 compatible. Some troll overkilling N64 emulation already did it in the most irrelevant place possible. Thats like adding DLSS 3 to StarFox SNES. DOOM 3 as an engine deserves it far more. And the ability to upscale 4k to 8k with detail interpolating into the 60hz starting data would be the best case scenario here because I ruthlessly tuned the resolution toward what can be seen at 4k. It also makes the game hold up extremely well for its age under the most brutal circumstances. Then comes the I know what levels push the hardware the hardest, and I went very very far out of my way to optimize them to be closer to the other levels that arent as intense. So its technically also an optimization since I can cross multiply mathematically calculate the exact pixel resolution for each texture when converting the 4k version down to lower resolutions. Also its just cool? It makes our Leader John Carmack happy? In real life when I get really close to objects they dont tend to get blocky or blurry? How many more reasons does a DOOMWorldee actually need?


Desktop Screenshot 2024.01.16 -


142822Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:03:26 +0000
Skyscraper 2.0 for Libre Coop (dhewm3)    I have finally decided to make this map set for cooperative multiplayer.  However, I have found this mod, Libre Coop, to be more polished and suitable for my taste than the others I have run across.  Although, it is still in the Alpha stage but it seems to work extremely well for my map set in my opinion.  I have tested my map set on this Libre Coop build which can be downloaded here:


   You will also need dhewm3 (Doom3 source port) to run this coop mod.  The build I used was version 1.5.2 ( which can be accessed from the "Download" section here:


   You would also need the assorted .pk4 files from the commercial Doom3 to use the source port (of course).


   My map set can be downloaded here:


***Please Note***  There is an issue with the "Final Escape" map ( where Clients would have an extreme lag when first connected and entering this map.  If this happens, the Client(s) need to 'disconnect' from the server and then 'reconnect' the server (while within the game--DO NOT EXIT THE GAME).  This seems to clear it up after the reconnection.  My apology, I'm still do not know what caused this.  That's why it is best to setup a dedicated server for this map set.

***Spoilers Alert***  Edited Playthrough Videos Provided:










142777Sun, 14 Jan 2024 01:41:27 +0000
Does dhewm3 change weapon balance? I'm playing D3 for the first time, with dhewm3 to get widescreen and such, and I know from reviews that the Shotgun is infamously terrible. But for the short while I've used it, it's been powerful and consistent. Is this a consequence of using a source port?

140883Mon, 16 Oct 2023 21:47:58 +0000
Doom 3 in 2023 Evening all. Having finished both Evil Within games, I'm looking for a horror shooter that's got the shocks and gore of EW1, with the fun factor and firepower of EW2.


Back in the day I was so disappointed with Doom 3. I mean it was good, no question, but I was shocked that after firing Tom Hall, they went ahead and made his game anyway (anyone know his opinions about this?). I remember turgid mazes of identical-looking labs and a boring monorail section, but I also remember some fierce battles, a scary walk through the dark where your only light comes from a friendly robot, the monsters are all scary and of course Hell was magnificent when we finally, fiiiiinally got there (after ten years).


Is it worth blasting through it again after all these years, and what are the best mods if any?

135773Mon, 15 May 2023 22:08:16 +0000
Why Weren't Heretic 3 and Hexen 3 Made? We got Heretic and Hexen on id Tech 1. Then Hexen 2 came on id Tech 2, with Heretic 2 being on the Quake 2 engine. We haven't got a sequel afterwards on id Tech 3 or 4. Why is that the case? A Hexen mod was made for Doom 3, but no official entry yet. Nothing on Heretic was done. Should they have got official sequels on id Tech 4?

119048Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:16:59 +0000
Immersive Armaments for Doom 3 BUhrx0G.png


If you're thinking that this seems oddly similar to another mod of mine called Weapons of Mars Destruction, you're exactly right. The main difference is that instead of outright replacing sounds, this re-balances the existing vanilla sounds and is generally closer to my idea of the classic Doom 3 Experience. It's not simply a port of WoMD with the sounds stripped out, I've created this mod from scratch (using many of the same resources), and I happen to have a bias toward the same general decisions.



-All weapons dryfire when Auto Weapon Reload is set to no in options menu
-Zoom button allows you to aim weapons to reduce projectile spread, punch faster, spin chaingun barrel, rapid fire rockets, fire single shots with double barrel, etc.
-Balanced sound effect volume
-Gunshot sound tail to increase atmosphere for ballistic weapons
-Ammo pickup values and max ammo values reduced to a reasonable degree
-Weapons with gui screens show ammo count on normal hud screen
-Fancy particle effects


-Absorbs 40% damage instead of 20%
-Security armor gives 25 points instead of 50
-Armor shard gives 1 point of armor instead of 5
-Armor model reflects Resurrection of Evil marine
-Max armor is 100 instead of 125
-Imp has chance to do double fireball attack from Phobos
-Wraith doesn't stop moving during teleport in

-Eyes glow in the dark for Imp and Trite
-Archvile has 50% chance do do either flamewall or incinerate attacks


Includes compatibility patches for Cstdoom3


immersive_armaments_beta_0.7z (MediaFire)


If you find any issues or want compatibility with another mod, let me know!

141127Sat, 28 Oct 2023 14:22:01 +0000
Who else is building a PC for Doom 3? curious as to if I'm the only one? I'm using this setup or an AMD one.

ASUS P4PE motherboard
Pentium 4 3.4 GHZ 0.09-micron based CPU
1 Gig of Corsair XMS3500 DDR400 MHZ RAM
Next generation ATI Graphics card based on DDR II memory (R350 which will rape the Geforce fx, and be cheaper)
80 Gig hard drive
CD burner
16x dvd drive
3.5 inch floppy drive
Audigy 2 Surround sound 6.1 sound card
6.1 surround sound speakers and subwoofer

12378Thu, 09 Jan 2003 00:21:04 +0000
Is there a way to use borderless window mode? I want to be able to access other things on my computer while playing the game but my curser stays on Doom 3 and I can't even use the windows key to open anything.

This is for normal Doom 3 (on steam, if that changes anything).

142506Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:41:59 +0000
Doom 3 or Doom 3: BFG Edition? I have both versions of Doom 3 and was wondering which version would be better considering I've never played Doom 3.

130183Fri, 08 Jul 2022 02:28:51 +0000
lost timedemos Do any of the old farts around here have either of the Doom3 timedemos that they used for benchmarking back in the day? Here is a link that mentions what I am talking about, if you scroll down:


The original files names were "" and "". I can't find the damn things but I know they're on someone's hdd.



142089Tue, 12 Dec 2023 04:12:32 +0000
On the Doom 3 soundtrack I came across this page today:


A bit of a barebones article, with only 4 edits, but it nonetheless lists 26 tracks. The thing is, according to Google, there never was any album release for the the soundtrack of Doom 3, so it appears that the track names were invented by the fans. However, as the music of the game mostly composes of quiet ambience and short stingers, you could find up to a hundred or so music files within the game's files. With that in mind, I would like to ask where the figure of 26 tracks seen on the wiki came from, as there aren't any sources cited here. So, should this article be dismissed as inaccurate?


On a side note, while it's possible to extract the theme song from the game's files, it's kind of low in quality(a measly 33 kbps OGG file), but the wiki and Wikipedia state that the band who made it released it on their website. I would be interested in acquiring that song in the best possible quality format, without YouTube's encoding interfering in the file structure(I just prefer "raw" formats), so that's why I am going to ask around here...

141335Wed, 08 Nov 2023 21:27:05 +0000
Doom 3 well?

141261Sat, 04 Nov 2023 20:37:22 +0000
STTP3 was a late night, fever induced creation So during QuakeCon 2023, I had a little chat with Pat Duffy, the lead UI designer of Doom 3, Rage, Doom 2016/Eternal and also now on Starfield. 


I've had a few chats with him online prior, he's a awesome dude who's always been super helpful.


We got into the topic of Super Turbo Turkey Puncher and how that came into existence. Alone and behold... it was all just a fever dream. Said they were looking to implement some sort of minigame in that rec hall, it was late in the evening, he had a terrible flu running a high fever and had this delusional idea to punch turkeys. He made it, everyone loved it and history was made.


He mentioned he has no idea what the highest score possible is (if there even is one). 


Aside from STTP3, all the super cool interactive menus, terminals, projections, Martian Buddy lockers and consoles were all Pats doing. Same goes for all the new Dooms interactive and heads-up info panels and menus.


The original Doom 3 Mars landing countdown teaser site with the hidden "All Your Base" was also Pat (he had done freelance web and UI development prior to joining id fulltime).


There you have it and now you know!




139206Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:51:12 +0000
Doom 3 Ultimate Items AND Enemy Locations Guide Here are all of the items AND enemies found in Doom 3, I will do this for every level and maybe later it will be more detailed and I've detailed everything there is on all difficulties. I am currently adding all enemy triggers (T). Enemies without T are always spawned.


Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Pistol
2 Bullets 
1 Medkit Small
1 Security Armor
2 Armor Shards


Underground Junction:
1 Medkit Large
1 Shells Small
3 Armor Shards


Maintenance Area CS1 (Energy Stabilization):
6 Armor Shards


Convergence Chamber 1


Energy Stabilization Unit (Locker):
1 Medkit Small
3 Armor Shards
1 Shells Small


Convergence Chamber 2


Energy Processing:
6 Armor Shards


Energy Delivery:
1 Bullets
1 Medkit Small
4 Armor Shards


Maintenance Area PD1:
1 Shells Small
2 Armor Shards


Underground Garage:
1 Pistol

1 Medkit Small on Marine


Airlock MC-2a


Mars Surface:
1 Adrenaline
3 Armor Shards
1 Clip Large


Airlock CT-1c


Old Comm Storage:
2 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
5 Armor Shards


Old Comm Engineering Elevator


Old Comm Main:
1 Zombie    T: Invasion start
1 Z-Sec Pistol (50 hp)    T: Invasion start
2 Bullets

1 Medkit Small on Marine


Old Comm Engineering:
1 Zombie    T: One second after exiting Old Comm Main


Underground Garage:
1 Zombie    T: Exiting the airlock


Maintenance Area PD1:
1 Zombie    T: Getting 64 map units close to the door


Energy Delivery:
1 Zombie    T: Exiting the maintenance area
1 Z-Sec Pistol (6 shots, 0.5-2 seconds cover in alcove, comes for you after 12 secs,)    T: Crossing the first section of the bridge
1 Bullets
1 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
3 Armor Shards


Energy Processing:
1 Z-Sec Pistol (80 hp, 5 shots, 0.5-2 seconds cover behind crate, comes for you after 15 secs)    T: 0.25 seconds after entering the room
1 Zombie    T: Getting near the table with the supplies
1 Zombie (20 hp, starts moving 0.5 seconds after opening the door)
1 Zombie    T: Going past the machine on your left
2 Bullets +1 on Recruit
2 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
9 Armor Shards +2 on Marine, +5 on Recruit


EP Aerobic Stabilizer:
4 Zombies -1 on Marine    T: Lowering the platform, fourth one activates after 1 second OR if you approach its alcove
1 Shotgun
1 Shells Small
1 Bullets
3 Medkit Small +1 on Recruit
1 Security Armor
7 Armor Shards


EP Control Unit:
1 Zombie    T: 0.1 seconds after the the lights turn off
1 Z-Sec Shotgun (60 hp, extremely complex, see footnote)    T: 20.1 seconds after the lights turn off OR if you approach the stairs

3 Zombies
4 Shells Small -1 on Recruit

1 Shotgun
2 Bullets +1 on Recruit
1 Medkit Small +1 on Marine, +2 on Recruit
3 Armor Shards +1 on Marine, +2 on Recruit
1 Health Station 100%

1 Shells Large on Recruit


EP Aerobic Stabilizer (Gas Leak):
1 Imp    T: On sight after the cutscene ends
1 Shells Small
1 Medkit Large
4 Armor Shards


Energy Processing:
1 Imp    T: Approaching the first machine
1 Zombie    T: Walking past the third machine
1 Shells Large (secret hatch)
1 Medkit Small (secret hatch)


Energy Processing:

1 Imp (behind you)    T: 2 seconds after approaching the supplies, run back to see him appear out of thin air
1 Zombie    T: Approaching the supplies
1 Medkit Small
1 Shells Small
4 Armor Shards +3 on Recruit
1 Security Armor (locker, open if you saved Eric)
1 Medkit Small (locker, open if you saved Eric)


Energy Processing (RAR-a4):
1 Imp    T: Approaching the servers, the imp will be leaping to the side from behind them
1 Zombie    T: Standing where the imp leapt from
1 Z-Sec Shotgun -1 on Marine    T: Killing the imp OR opening the door to exit the room, comes from Convergence Chamber 2

1 Bullets
1 Shells Small +1 on Recruit
1 Health Station 50%
1 Shells Small (after backtracking)
3 Armor Shards (after backtracking)


Energy Stabilization Unit:

1 Imp (leaps on sight after opening the door, watch out)    T: Invasion start
1 Imp    T: 1 second after standing near the hole that Scotty worked in

1 Z-Sec Shotgun (behind you)    T: Going as far in as the locker on your right is, will spawn out of thin air, also opens the supplies in the last room


Maintenance Area CS1:
1 Imp    T: Approaching the stairs, technically on sight


Underground Junction:
1 Imp    T: Walking far enough in, climbs from the railing


Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Imp    T: Approaching the Security Checkpoint door
1 Z-Sec Shotgun    T: Wakes up on sight
1 Shells Small
4 Armor Shards
1 Health Station 100%


Underground Junction:
1 Z-Sec Shotgun    T: Entering the Security Checkpoint, will camp outside the door


MCU Storage:
1 Bullets
2 Cells Small
2 Armor Shards
1 Health Station 80%


Underground Security Checkpoint:
1 Imp    T: Approaching the center of the room, the imp will drop down

1 Imp (behind you)    T: After picking up the items in the second locker
2 Machine Gun
2 Shotguns
2 Clip Small


Underground Access Elevator:
1 Z-Sec Pistol    T: After pressing the elevator button



The Shotgun Z-Sec in EP Control Unit is unnecessarily dynamic and uses these covers depending on where you are:

Cover 1, crate at the top of the stairs- 5 shots, 0.5-1.5 seconds behind cover, can only be used once

Cover 2, crate at the end of the hall- 5 shots, 0.5-2 seconds behind cover, can only be used once

Cover 3, wall where the zombie ragdoll was- 5 shots, 0.5-3 seconds behind cover, shooting fov is bugged because he will be pointing at the wall most of the time


I think this should be on the wiki's walkthrough page and I also fear this topic triggering for spam. I have just updated this to include enemies.


130573Sun, 31 Jul 2022 15:12:14 +0000
What is the one thing you wish was different in Doom 3 BFG Edition? Hi.


My thought on the bfg edition has changed from what it used to be. I am more positive about it now.


So I was wondering, What is the one thing you wish was different in Doom 3 BFG Edition? (just one please, and no crpy answers like for it not exist or something)


For me, however strange it may seem, I wish it had doom 1 instead of ultimate doom.


(Talking about pc version)

141419Sun, 12 Nov 2023 20:28:28 +0000
Door required to progress won't open. I am playing the BFG edition, on every difficulty, and this is on stage 15, Delta Labs Sector 1.


I am using a NoBlood mod, but this does not affect the game in anyway, and I tried the level without it, and it still didn't work,

and I already beat it on recruit, but now I can't complete the level, because the door won't open.


Video is here.

141340Thu, 09 Nov 2023 02:22:08 +0000
Rare unused monster in Doom 3 files., I want to share with you my finding and my attempts to bring it to life.

First of all, maybe some of you knew about this interview with Kenneth Scott, art director of Doom 3:

In there you can see a bit of his great work, and among them, this beast:

In Doom Wikia this thing appears as an unfinished model cut from the game. Searching through the vast game files (as I usually do in my lonely nights) I stumbled with a complete set of textures for an apparently non existing model file, and long story short, I managed to find the corresponding mesh.

To my surprise, it was that monster from the image, and I couldn't help myself, I needed to rig the hell out of that mesh and see it in motion:

Currently I'm animating all what is needed and trying to put it in the game to make it an actual enemy. So far I'm learning upon the process but things are going well so far I guess:

As you can see, the guy is quite bulky, and is a bit taller than a Hellknight. I think this could be some kind of brute lumbering demon, basic in behaviour (right now it has the AI of a zombie) and with a lot of health.

Anyways, I'm happy to take this thing into the light, I think Kenneth Scott is a very good artist and did a very good job with Doom 3, is a pity that this piece of work was buried in the game files like this for so many years and never used.

87422Thu, 21 Apr 2016 16:31:12 +0000
Doom 3 source images Looking for Doom 3 source images. There's so much details all over the game, and digging into those seems to be quite interesting.


Here's an example of tbox2_d. I'm pretty sure this is HILTI tools manufacturer logo on it, but cannot recognize the thing supplied. Is it some kind of wall-mounted... whatever? There seems to be a 4-step installation guide drawn on the lower right side of the box texture (turn image 90° in clockwise direction to see). Can someone recognize what that thing is? This would help searching for the source image.


tbox2_d_.png.1899d5936601c6e5201007050e244499.png tbox2_d_detail.png.8416241056664b426b0f32c7116123d4.png


Another one I've spotted is that yellow label frequently used in the game, here on a_lfwall17a. See that yellow sticker at the upper part of the texture? I think it reads CAUTION!


(two lightning signs?)

...and the rest is unreadable, and I cannot think of what it could read. "HIGH VOLTAGE!" is my guess.




The same label in a somewhat better quality on sopbox2 (image from D3 AI upscaled pack by darklord34 AI upscaled textures - Doom 3 + RoE mod - Mod DB) -- the leftmost label:



Words CAUTION and KEEP OUT are almost clearly readable here.


Any suggestions are welcome! And source images, of course, if any!

128257Sun, 27 Mar 2022 12:50:30 +0000
dude, doom 3 classic! (Doom 3 mod thread initiated) Doom 3 classic is the pinnacle of doom 3 mods, i was doing my annual playthough of it recently. love the classification of the chaingun and shotgun in that mod. This got me to thinking, is there any other good doom 3 gameplay/mapset mods anyone can recommend?


doom 3 mod thread here.

140947Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:45:21 +0000
Free on Prime Gaming Doom 3 is free until mid-November

140964Fri, 20 Oct 2023 16:09:46 +0000
Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3 Could someone help a newbie port a mod? Trying to run Overthinked in Dhewm 3 gives me the following error:

ERROR: Error: file script/doom_events.script, line 752: Too many parameters for event definition. Internal definition has 1 parameters.

How would one go about changing the amount of parameters allowed?

128883Wed, 27 Apr 2022 01:19:18 +0000
help, I am stuck on the elevator in doom 3. After the boss fight, on the elevator part, every time I press the screen it wont work.

140747Fri, 13 Oct 2023 22:42:02 +0000
NEW WORLD RECORDS in Doom 3 and its add-ons It's hard to believe that Doom 3 will be 20 (!) years old next year 🕗 It may not be the most popular game to speedrun, but despite the passage of time, many Doom 3 records have been set and broken in recent times (late 10s to early 20s). I still consider the secret exit on Delta Labs - Level 2a: Union Aerospace Research Division one of the most useful tricks in the history of the Doom franchise.





I was very surprised when I first found it; undoubtedly, the rocket jump to the ceiling in this level is one of the most time-saving techniques and can be used in a speedrun 💎 Anyway, this month the legendary Corpseflesh is back with even more new records!


Date: 2023.09.02. Runner: 🇩🇪 Corpseflesh. Source port: RBDOOM3BFG. Category: Lost Mission. Time: 19:29 LRT | 19:51 RTA. Improvement: 23 seconds. Previous record holder: 🇭🇷 Lekolega.








Date: 2023.09.19. Runner: 🇩🇪 Corpseflesh. Source port: RBDOOM3BFG. Category: Lost Mission Nightmare. Time: 20:06 LRT | 20:24 RTA. Improvement: 49 seconds. Previous record holder: 🇭🇷 Lekolega.






140349Fri, 29 Sep 2023 22:29:02 +0000
Possible new glitch? 2088853925_Whatthehell.gif.c4db41dca743a7bb88dc00254457cd3e.gifJust found this recently in Phobos Labs Sector 2 while playing doom 3 Resurrection of Evil on BFG Edition. New or not? 


140271Mon, 25 Sep 2023 23:10:22 +0000
Making of Classic Doom 3 Mod - Documentary Just wanted to drop this here in case anyone is interested. After over a year and a half of work, I finally finished my documentary about the making of the Doom 3 mod, Classic Doom 3. I tracked down and interviewed as many of the members of the team as I could. I also included interviews from two super fans of the mod.

138763Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:52:43 +0000
Darklight Arena on IcedTech Hey,


Today I want to introduce Darklight Arena. Darklight Arena is a new arena shooter using my custom fork of Doom 3 Vanilla called IcedTech. I want to give special thanks to Doggo-San who has been working on the Linux port of IcedTech.


The bot you see in the video is using my ported Quake 3 arena bot code, that was refactored to use racast navmesh instead of AAS, but let's back up a bit.


The goal of IcedTech is to provide a useable codebase for people that want to develop a brand new game from scratch. The engine has a lot unique features:

  • Virtual Texturing
  • Recast NavMesh(AAS and all Doom 3 AI code has been removed).
  • Weapon Code is native and no longer in DoomScript.
  • Doom 3 BFG code integration.
  • Reflection Probe System
  • Lots of Radiant front end bits moved to .NET.
  • PBR Shaders
  • Shadow Mapping(stencil shadows removed).
  • 64bit-only.
  • And lots more!


The flagship game on IcedTech is called Darklight Arena. Think Doom 3 mixed with Quake 3 Arena. I have a lot of new art implemented, new multiplayer features implemented(remember how bare bones Doom 3 multiplayer was?). Right now we have one level, DM1 from Quake 1(used from the GPL map release from John Remereo, and re-lit by me). The weapons I'm currently to get in for a playable demo, and are there but need a significant amount of tweaking to match the feel of Q3A:

  • Machinegun
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Plasma Gun
  • Shotgun


I wanted to quickly give a shout out to the Xonotic and OpenArena team. A good portion of our audio and our music is from those projects(used under GPLv3). Thanks guys for developing a fantastic GPL arena project, this project wouldn't be in its current form without there hard work. 


Anyway take a look at the video. Any feedback(good or bad) is welcome, and if you looking to maybe join the development team, join us on Discord!


Source Code:

112807Wed, 18 Mar 2020 05:34:14 +0000
UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg UFC:BS available NOW



137863Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:02:33 +0000
DOOM³ Golden Edition Check out the new trailer!


I hope there's someone out there that likes it. ^_^

117351Fri, 09 Oct 2020 21:28:21 +0000
<![CDATA[Doom 3 & OG Xbox Ports]]> Hi, this is my first post and the topic I'm on right now is based on learning about editing the IDTech 4 engine (Doom3) and some way to create a compatibility with Xbox OG console ports. To somehow create a port of these versions and all the content they had to PC


In case you have any ideas on either of the 2 things, I would appreciate some feedback.

(Sorry if you see a post of mine in a general forum, but I didn't realize where I posted it)

137268Sat, 01 Jul 2023 20:26:01 +0000
Cancelled Doom 3 mods? I heard that there are a ton of cancelled mods for Doom 3. Do you happen to know of any?

114310Sun, 10 May 2020 07:40:26 +0000