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About briantrepanier

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  1. briantrepanier

    What are the Z-sec saying?

    they speak gibberish, Aramaic is mentioned because it was talked about a lot in media during D3 production as it was being used in "Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson, which was also in production at the same time.
  2. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    UFC:BS available at: https://www.moddb.com/mods/ufcbs-musk-vs-zuckerberg https://www.nexusmods.com/doom3/mods/1677 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fXTmJLpEH2L-ToRVKgr2GDbAke42lKO_?usp=sharing
  3. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    Today, I relearned how to lip sync in D3, and make moving camera cutscenes, so next project titled "Murder Muffin" will begin.
  4. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    that Zucks about the crash, but for one fight, the price is right. Elon said, when the fight was first mentioned, he has a secret move called "the Walrus" where he falls on his opponent and they cannot move.
  5. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    also available at https://www.nexusmods.com/doom3/mods/1677
  6. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    UFC:BS available NOW https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uzVZl77HJ9vq0FEnknKu5IjNJV1WB-st/view?usp=sharing
  7. briantrepanier

    UFC BS: Musk vs Zuckerberg

    UFC:BS available NOW https://www.moddb.com/mods/ufcbs-musk-vs-zuckerberg https://www.nexusmods.com/doom3/mods/1677 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fXTmJLpEH2L-ToRVKgr2GDbAke42lKO_?usp=sharing
  8. briantrepanier

    md5Camera export

    this is a Brian, yes. I am just relearning the process, got melee monsters down to routine again, including ragdolls, as of yesterday.
  9. briantrepanier

    md5Camera export

    not needed. Simply export scene components from D3Edit as OBJ, import OBJ into Blender 2.59 - 2.63, animate and export camera. issue is addon does not stay persistent. Current solution is to shortcut to Roaming profile of Blender in User folder, delete the respective Blender folder, restart and reinstall addon. Not pretty, but it will work and how many md5cameras will I need anyway?
  10. briantrepanier

    md5Camera export

    I have found an md5camera export script for Blender 2.63, and am wondering if there is a version for a more recent Blender. Thanks for any info.
  11. Have you seen the crap I've made? I'm not very good at it either but there's no reason I can't have fun with something I'm not good at. I can tell you this for certain, I am better than I was the day I decided to learn how to mod.
  12. briantrepanier

    Looking for export plugin for blender

    If you want ASE export for static meshes, get Blender 2.81 and get this exporter, works perfectly, others seem to be hassles. https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_export_ase Make your model in whatever Blender version, export it and bring into 2.81, export as ASE.
  13. when the actor dies, it will drop whatever you tell it to drop from whatever bone you tell it to drop it from. In this tutorial I made years ago, I explain how to make a monster drop an item when it is killed. https://youtu.be/j0-mCRvDA7I
  14. briantrepanier

    modding Doom 3

  15. briantrepanier

    modding Doom 3

    Have rudimentary monster capabilities once again, so yes, all set, thanks for the assistance, bought D3 from the GOG link.