I didnt create the speedhack. I just discovered that it worked in doom aswell as the game it was designed for.
There are alot of people that hate me for many reasons. Most of them are fucking idiots that I intentionaly piss off. The people in Zdaemon that hate me just hate me because I kick there asses or because I use BFG and dont give them a handicap since there to fucking retarded to dodge it.
Zdaemon doesnt mean shit, the games played there dont mean shit, the only thing it has that csdoom doesnt is more bugs. Zdaemon is only good for BFG practice, other then that its as worthless as arioch. Fly did all the hard work in Zdaemon back when it was called csdoom, NightFang just fucked it up and changed the name.
DeathWarrior, just ignore the idiots in Zdaemon the same way people like maonth ignore rules and guidlines for making well playing maps. The Zdaemon players on average have to be the worst group of players to ever play doom.
Every once in a while I will run into a descent player but thats rare, and when it happens the player usualy cannot get over the altered physics and horrid bugs so they refuse to play it again. This is why zdeamon players are mostly 9 to 12 year old kids that use keyboard only, if they are older than that the must really be retarded, or atleast hispanic. Yes I'm talking about you 'tigre' and the rest of clan ABC.
Kiss is fucking gay, why wont that 'one hit wonder' just fucking die. They fucking started the trend of popular music being total shit, before kiss the good music was also popular. Kiss paved the way for crap like twisted sister, michel bolton, zdoom, color me bad, new kids, n-sync, backstreet boys, god smack, those gothic wads, metallica, creed, and cristianity. So you see.. total shit can be popular. But if you look to before kisses time most of the popular stuff was good, since then the good shit has been underground mostly. But thats not a bad thing, it kept alot of bands from selling out.
stdphxrz, (vowels...) Just because a band plays clean does not mean there music is good, kiss still sounds like shit. The misfits are from the same time period and there music was pretty sloppy sometimes but the sound was still fucking awsome, one of the most origonal bands ever.
ARG!!! Kiss, wtf, I have got to stay away from this forum, i cannot see read through one tread without seeing this kind of stupidity and bad taste:
They could teach 99.99% of the rock bands who ever existed a thing or fifty about putting on a live show. --- Yeah, but only about make-up, not music.
Do you think anyone is going to give the slightest amount of a rat's ass about Mary Manson in fifteen years? --- I wouldnt be suprised, people still care about kiss for fucks sake.
(there was some more shit I was gonna comment on but I will have been awake for 48 hours 9 minutes from now, I either got tired or forgot, im not sure)
Mechasam was an idiot, I played him in csdoom a few times, he kept losing and then demanding his friend leave that joined the server with him because "If it wasnt for you I would be beating Toke." What a loser.
No one even mentioned me on 2 fucking pages? Did everyone forget that I started the #doomroom flamewar ended with everyone moving to #doom on OPN? I remember shtphzhdr saying something like "Yeah, thats not the friendliest chatroom, I've been there a few times and I dont plan to ever go back." He is always in there now BTW, or atleast its new location, same group of cockface faggots for the most part.
<Schwarzie> id == the company who made doom and some other shit we can't remember right now
MACVILWHORE, Nah, Dest-X isnt as annoying as you are.
skadoomer, If you listen to ska then why do you have a DK symbol under your name? You arent another doomer with down syndrome are you? If you are you should try Zdaemon.
Kat, you are one stupid bitch.
Deathman, you respect us? You loser. Alot of the people here (not all) arent any better then quakers.
lets see..... did I insult everyone? Did I win?