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About Stroggman

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  1. Stroggman

    Christmas wad suggestions please

    Yeah franks, I played A war on xmas part 1 and it was awesome, I'm stoked to play part 2
  2. Gonna load up on some coffee and finish the rest of the mapset tommorrow, combat flows smoothly and fast and plenty of resources for fast paced combat, superb xmas wad!
  3. Would like to play some christmas themed wads
  4. I find myself disliking doing a doom recording cause you can't save
  5. Hello i notice that you are not on Doom wiki, trying to find the names of your maps

    1. Cynical


      Golachab and Impure Offering.  Filename for the latter was impoffer.wad

  6. I will definitely add this puppy to my bucket list
  7. Just raw fun and fast gameplay devoid of fancy super detailing is appreciated in this thread here
  8. Halloween wad by Andrea, now this certainly is going to hit the sweet spot, and I can play it in dsda and not gzdoom, yay!
  9. Stroggman

    Wads that have good short maps

    Ah, looks interesting and never seen it listed on Doomworld Top Community ( Ressurected) wads list, thanks for this recommendation
  10. Stroggman

    Wads that have good short maps

    I am really into short maps so name some wads please
  11. Stroggman

    Looking for Halloween/Fall Themed Mods

    I am gonna be playing Tangerine Nightmare for Halloween
  12. I heard someone mention that Doom is designed to run on a 486 computer so it will feel faster under Win XP
  13. I'm satisified with Doom performance under Win 10 using dsda-doom source port so I would be a bit nervous getting a Win xp rig
  14. I have my frame rate uncapped, and lowering my settings and I think I did thouroughly tweak out win 10 for better gaming