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About Oxyde

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    I'm Fr☠nch

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  1. Here's my FDA ! oxydefda.zip What a cool and unique looking level. Very well done!
  2. Oxyde

    Entryway 2.0 (Limit Removing)

    oxyfdae2.zip FDA | Woof | 4:59 | 100% K/S What a neat little level you have there! Really good atmosphere and a fresh take on the classic Entryway. I did not run into any issues and I have a good time. Looking forward to more!
  3. Thank you for the video! Once again, I should have specified that this level isn't meant to be played with freelook! Also it seems the secrets are super confusing so I will work on better aspects of these for the next levels!
  4. Oxyde

    Toxic Falls: My first map

    What a level! I absolutely loved playing through this level, start to finish! The architecture and theme is what made me want to try it,and the gameplay delivered and me want to stay. I didn't find any issue in this level, highly recommending people to try it! Here is a -complevel vanilla demo using WooF if you wanna watch. 100% kills and secrets. tfoxysda.zip
  5. Thank you for the video! Thank you for the video! Using weapon mods isn't something I tried the level with, but it sure seemed to work! Interesting gameplay! The secret with rockets is part of a buildup towards a larger project (full scale megawad), so it makes sense in that aspect. I should have edited this secret in this released version specifically. Thank you for sharing the demo! I didn't expect the secrets to be that difficult to find, but it's a nice indicator of how tricky some of these can be to find. Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing! Thank you for the demo! Interesting that while your route is quick, it's still not the quickest. Keep an eye out for speedrun tricks Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed this level! Let me know if you'd like some advice/help on texturing stuff! Thank you for playing! Indeed, UT music, intense and fast paced, as we expect from a game like Doom to get a swinging mood going fast! I'll confess and fully admit that gameplay/monsters/balance isn't something I am good at. I definitely need more practice in that area. I still think this level works well enough in what it is supposed to be, that is, an introductory level to a megawad with increasing difficulty. Thank you for playing! Thank you!
  6. Indeed this is the first level of a larger-scale Limit Removing project I am working on (mostly on and off). Releasing some levels publicly allows me to catch feedbacks on what I am doing and wrong. So far, it seems the difficulty is the main focus point! Thank you for the video, cool looking assets you have there!
  7. I have to say this is something I noticed early on, and completely forgot about. As I'm no midi composer, I will try to find a better version of this tune specifically with better mixing!
  8. Oxyde

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    I recently worked for a Doom "Ping Tool" for Zdaemon (I only created the GFX). Intended for Coop/Survival use, this is mostly compatible with the Doom palette, I'm happy with the render!
  9. Welcome to Vanilium! This is a simple map, made in roughly 8 hours with speedrunning in mind. This level has also been built and tested with Nightmare! difficulty and is easily beatable. Can you find the fastest exit route? Here are a couple of screenshots! Truth be told, I never really felt like my skills were on par with the content I see posted around here, so I thought "Screw it, just post this anyway." Also, I've noticed an increase in smaller scale releases recently, so I figured this might be the right time to post. Anyway, let me know what you think! VNLM_Lv01.zip
  10. syoxyfda.zip Here is a little FDA for this level. Simple design, fun fights, what's not to like? Well, I'd argue the palette didn't feel like something that's needed given this is a speedmap, but it sure helped with giving atmosphere to the stage, so it gets a plus from me anyway! Well done!
  11. Oxyde

    Discord Servers

    Formerly known as The Joy of Mapping, @Jimmy's Discord server, now known as The Entryway should be able to answer all your mapping needs!
  12. Oxyde

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    Thanks for the reply! So I will have to tweak my GFXs then, good to know this is not an oversight then, thank you!
  13. Oxyde

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    I would like to report a very minor issue which I'm unsure what the root cause of is. I'm currently working on a speedrunning workshop WAD for a an upcoming speedrunning marathon. I included some GFX, which for some reason, breaks a bit the render of the intermission screen. Here is how it looks using DSDA Doom: And here is how it looks using WooF (12.0): As you can see, the "TOTAL" time is for some reason shifted below "PAR". UMAPINFO Code just so we're sure I'm not doing anything wrong. MAP MAP01 { label = "IG 2023" levelname = "Mouvement #1" levelpic = "G_MVM1" partime = 30 music = "D_MAP01" skytexture = "SKY1" } Also, this does not occur under Vanilla conditions (clearing any level without a PWAD will have the timers in their respective positions). Thanks for coming to my TED talk. (On a more serious note, this is very minor, but I still thought this discrepancy was interesting to note)
  14. Oxyde

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Not "Doom" directly related per say, but, while I understand GZDoom's name refers both ZDoom and OpenGL, it also stands for Graf Zahl Doom.