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Everything posted by Blacklight

  1. I played the Second Episode. It turned out quite well. Maybe even better than the First Episode in terms of Design. And the gameplay has become better. I have only one question: "How do I get to the Secret Levels?" I see in MAPINFO that you can get in from MAP14, but I searched everything: there is no Secret Exit. Only on MAP15. Where is he? Therefore, I had to watch the Secret Levels using the "changemap". MAP32 made me sweat. It resembles a Hardcore Version of "Dead Simple", but with your WolfTEX. In short, I killed a couple of hours. I'm Waiting For The Third Episode!
  2. I will evaluate this Project in any way in 2024! The unusual Graphic Style inspired by "Team Fortress 2" and Dynamic Battles in the spirit of "Quake III Arena" are an Ingenious Solution! And when I saw Guns from Early Developments... Guys, I could only see Guns like this in "TF2 Custom Weapons". But DrPyspy and his Team embodied Gun Madness Several Times! But what I definitely didn't expect was "Meteor Herd"! Seriously? Have you embodied the Level from "Sonic Adventure 2"? The very Tower where Knuckles and Rouge fought? I'm afraid to imagine how many more Parodies of the Games there will be! After all, they are seen not only in Maps, but also on Characters! The Demo release is definitely worth waiting for!
  3. Blacklight

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Do I really need to tell you how awesome this MEGAWAD is?! No, seriously? If I had known that Dragonfly and the Team would make a sequel to "Eviternity", then I would have forgotten about the passage of "SIGIL II". I went through it completely only yesterday and I can call it "Modern DOOM II"! I liked him so much that he even dedicated his opinion about the Project (In Russian)! You Guys Are Awesome!
  4. Oh, yes! "Baphomet's Entryway"! When I saw that DrPyspy had released a Map for "MetaDoom", I immediately decided to go through it. It's a small Map, but it makes good use of all the features of the Mod. It seems to me that this ONEWAD is the only Project of its kind! It's a little frustrating. I wouldn't mind if someone else created Maps for "MetaDoom". And no one has created Maps for "Doom Delta" yet... Seriously, some Creators release a whole Toolkit, but no one touches it. I've only partially seen that DrPyspy Monster Models are used in Other Mods, but not Maps. There is practically nothing for "MetaDoom"! And it's a shame: The mod is cool!
  5. Thank you for responding! I will definitely wait for the release of the Project!
  6. Honestly... I am surprised that the Project is still active. When I found out about the Unofficial Sequel to "Perdition's Gate", I began to look forward to its release. And now, at the end of 2023, I began to worry a little about the Fate of MEGAWAD. And I liked the Original, which I dedicated my Review to (In Russian). Therefore, for the sake of interest, I would like to know: "Is it still at the Alpha stage after 8 years, or is there a chance that the Project will be abandoned?"
  7. Blacklight

    FoxTex - Free to use Texture pack

    Wow! Are you working with 3D Realms? Unexpected News for me! No wonder they noticed you: You can create Good Textures! I wonder what games you've been putting your hands on? And as for the development of FoxTex, you can understand. I can't say that I've seen Good WADs with them, but they're more or less playable for sure. No one is in a hurry: we will wait. Oh, yes! Congratulations on getting the Second Place in the "Best Addon" Category at the DOOM AWARDS!
  8. I also played V22 and... I don't even know how to rate it. On the one hand, the Sprites have become better and the Minigun has become more close to the "Vanilla" Look. Not to mention the Best Optimization of the Mod! But on the Other hand, "Brutal Doom" itself has become... Is it easier? No, seriously, he has become more "Vanilla" that even the Cyberdemon has ceased to be a Strong Threat. But so far we've only played the Test Version, so it's worth waiting for the "Golden Edition" for the final verdict.
  9. I've been playing with this mod for a long time and it started giving out a "Fatal Error" again. I was pumping GZDOOM 4.11.3 and still gives an error after a few seconds. I thought the problem was because of my HP Bar and "Toggle Free Camera". Rearranging the startup order helped at first, but I start it again - a "Fatal Error". I decided to take and cut down these Mods to hell. A Few Seconds Of The Game: again a "Fatal Error". It feels like there are bugs in ZScript in Fashion. I look through the Console, and there they write that in "jpfmenu.zsc" and the Actors of specific monsters (Zombieman, Shotgunguy, Heavyweaponsdude and Doomimp) have bugs. Maybe that's the problem?
  10. Yes, re-downloading solved the problem. Thanks! I've been running into problems with GZDOOM 4.11 a lot lately, which makes it impossible to play with some Mods and Maps. I hope that Version 4.12 will be more stable.
  11. I thought that the Mod would run on GZDOOM 4.11.3, but it gives an error. Although it worked fine on 4.11.0. By the way, this is the most interesting Power Fantasy Mod I've played in addition to Pillowblaster's Works!
  12. I have just passed your First Job and I will say that I am satisfied! For the First Time, your Map came out quite interesting. Of course, it seemed a little simple to me on UV, but this is because of my skill in the game. You have to keep creating New Levels for "DOOM". You Have A Good Level Design! I even decided to recommend others to play HERE (In Russian). I'm waiting for the release of "Providence"!
  13. Halloween is approaching, and I'm thinking: play "AD MORTEM" or not for my Future Review. Will Phase 3 be this year?
  14. Oh! Precisely! About getting stuck. On MAP13, in the place indicated by Lore, it is true that you can get stuck in these places. I also have two similar cases. Like Lore situations, and in my First jam, I need to walk forward a little. And you can't get out of the Second One because of the rocks and trees.
  15. MAP07... I won't hide it here, but I didn't figure out how to solve it myself. It seems that the answer is in front of us: repeat pairs of Small Colored Pillars using switches of different colors. But when I did it, nothing came out either. Decided purely random. But MAP13 did not cause me any difficulties at this point: I just need to make a Bridge. Each Button is responsible for lifting one of the Pillars. Difficulties will begin if you forget to activate the Pillars with Skulls at the end of the way (I spent 30 Minutes on it!)
  16. Blacklight

    FLUORIDE - new single map using FOXTEX texture pack

    So the Level will still be overgrown with New Details? Well, since I briefly spoke about it in the Last Review after "666CRETS" (In Russian: https://doomguy.ru/community/topic/666crets-po-nastoyashhemu-podoomaem-kratko-pro-fluoride/). The truth is: The map seemed pretty empty to me and only gives pleasure at the end. But this is the First Level on FOXTEX, so it's excusable. I'm glad that at least someone is trying New Textures! There will be time, I'll download it again and maybe I'll change my mind. With Mods, you can kill a couple of minutes.
  17. The more I learn about Craneo Textures, the more I claim that he is the Best at developing New Textures for "DOOM"! And it hurts more from the fact that I don't notice WAD's who would use them. Simply... Why? He made THREE Cool Graphic Mods: "Wolfenstein 3D Texture Pack", "Patch64" and "Doom 3 for Doom Texture Replacer" (Although the latter is worth refining. Skyboxes are disappearing.). And I haven't seen WAD's anywhere that anyone has used Projects from Craneo or just haven't met yet. And he definitely deserves it! When I wrote about Graphic Mods and Texture Packs HERE (In Russian), I paid a lot of attention to Craneo Projects. I have nothing against OTEX Textures, but, damn, there are so many Texture Packs, and only a Couple of Creators use them. If someone is going to create Levels for "DOOM" in the Build Engine style, then you should definitely take DECOTEX Craneo. They're Awesome!
  18. Blacklight

    Time Tripper demo circuit issue

    Maybe the buttons are not assigned? It happens.
  19. Blacklight

    Time Tripper demo circuit issue

    Strange... I'm getting everything out! Slot "0" is on the "0" Button and it is Secret, and in Slot "3" a Super Shotgun should be selected on the "3" Button. It's not like in "DOOM": each gun is assigned to its own Slot.
  20. Blacklight

    Time Tripper demo circuit issue

    I just checked the "Time Tripper" on GZDOOM 4.11. I have a Statusbar displayed. Have you tried pressing the "-" or "=" buttons to display them? Although I found a bug if I enter IDKFA. Endless Bullets! 3>8^)
  21. I must admit that when I played Version 0.5, I encountered problems that you fixed in 1.0. If everything is clear with MAP02 (There were definitely problems with FPS), then with MAP05 I had no problems with ammunition. MAP04 was more complicated in my opinion. And if we talk about the Sequel itself, then I'm quite happy with it. Yes, the project is not as big as the First Part, but I can understand you: Making Large and High-Quality Levels is a very long and stuffy occupation. It's better to be smaller, but cooler. I will say only one thing: he should definitely get into "Special Features"! I also expressed my opinion in Russian on Both Parts: The First Part and the Second Part.
  22. If they ask me "What Cool Vanilla WAD to play?" Then I will immediately recommend this WAD from Fernito! This is one of the Best Works that I had a chance to play at the beginning of 2023. And I'm still waiting for the Project to reach the Full MEGAWAD state! Even expressed an opinion about him HERE (In Russian). The last Patch pleased me with the changes. I agree that even I wandered for a very long time on the Levels. I'll take a look sometime.
  23. Blacklight

    Prometheus Complex - UDMF tactical-oriented map!

    Oh, damn! Precisely! I played your First Map for BDv21! And I thought that the New Job reminds me! Listen, yes, I see you have accumulated a lot of experience since the time you played your First Job! Keep up the good work! 38^)
  24. Blacklight

    [RELEASED!] The Bikini Bottom Massacre

    Guys! The mod has been removed from ModDB. Apparently the Creator threw it on "Archive.org ". Here is the link: https://archive.org/details/thebikinibottommassacre
  25. Blacklight

    Prometheus Complex - UDMF tactical-oriented map!

    I confirm! I was playing with "Project Brutality" yesterday and instead of a Yellow Key they gave me a Yellow Skull. I'm glad you'll fix it! And The Map Is Cool! I haven't played such Atmospheric Levels for a long time!