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About RakshaTheCat

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  1. RakshaTheCat

    Quake II Remastered

    There is a pipe above it, you can probably get on it from one of those balconies on the upper floor and jump down on top of the crates :)
  2. RakshaTheCat

    Most satisfying sounds in classic Doom?

    This has always been a mystery for me, why it was done that way? Especially since even wolf3d had way more satisfying chaingun sound I think?
  3. E3M6: Mt. Erebus for happy colors, FIREBLU buildings would look interesting >:3
  4. RakshaTheCat

    DoomLoader for Unity

    I'd also love seeing in on github. I've just made it able to load original skies from WAD file, but without it being on repo, there is no good place to fork it and maybe submit pull request :3