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About loveless

  • Rank
    disco angel

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  1. i've only played the first two maps but i'm having a lot of fun. i'll give HMP a go soon
  2. great maps! enjoyed the theme, the midis, sights, and the fights. happy belated birthday @Jimmy!
  3. played sometime last week and forgot to post! a nice, quick hit. had a good time and slammed it out fast. agree with remarks about Glaive 3 too, of course
  4. just wrapped up. nothing else to really point out, i had a good time
  5. having fun, just wrapped up map 7! noticed a thing the top of this box is a pain sector lol
  6. loveless

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    good stuff
  7. loveless

    DOOMKID.wad - 6 New Maps

    found some cheese on map 04
  8. loveless

    DOOMKID.wad - 6 New Maps

    started this yesterday, have only played the first two maps. hot right out of the gate, look forward to finishing this soon!
  9. started playing this yesterday, am enjoying myself! i found a softlock on map 3. using the ledge for the berserk secret, if you go the opposite direction toward the vile. you can step up then drop down to the vile platform and are unable to leave. i am using dsda-doom and playing on cl21. here it is will finish this sometime soon, nicely done!
  10. loveless

    Hell Unearthed - 6 DOOM 2 Limit Removing Maps

    omg, i have no idea how i missed that the yellow key was in there. also hilarious i felt the need to rocket jump this gap.
  11. loveless

    Hell Unearthed - 6 DOOM 2 Limit Removing Maps

    played this in 1-2 map bursts over the last few days, had a good time! the only thing that i was hung up on was the progression in map 5. i went into the lower areas, was not able to find a way to return to the upper portions, and could not find the necessary progression. was able to finish the map but it felt like the rocket jump over this gap was mandatory(to which i'm not opposed but seemed confusing given this map set).
  12. cl9. are you using opengl or software rendering?
  13. ayyy i'm only a little late with my post. i can't say that i found a lot of visual issues; i don't often look for those. i'm playing on dsda-doom with software rendering(the lighting looked great btw) on UV. map 1, texture misalignment map 3, lift can only be activated from the narrow side map 4, gate can be walked through map 7, HoM, nonteleporting monsters, and a stuck baron map 9, monster pit never raises(doesn't interfere with progression) and non-teleporting monsters map 10, texture misalignment
  14. loveless

    Nensha - single boom map (now on idgames!)

    played with dsda-doom and on UV. had a great time! fights were a bit spicy but not overwhelming, couldn't find anything game breaking, and i did NOT get lost(something i am prone to on less than linear maps). quality release!