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About houston

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    Mission Control

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  1. For vanilla/chocolate Doom, or for DOS itself? I guess main things are: - View your environment variables with "env" if you ever need to. - Arguments generally use forwardslashes rather than your typical dash. Additionally, it'll be "/?" rather than "-h" for help. However, some programs such as Doom -do- use slashes, I guess it's just preference. The game was developed on NeXT as far as I recall anyway. - The file "\autoexec.bat" is basically DOS' "init" file, use it to conveniently run CD writer drivers, memory extenders, maybe screensavers etc. - Mounted drives won't appear anywhere in your "root" filesystem. Instead, they're all separated completely (disks and partitions alike) and you type in the simple commands "A:", " B:", etc. to switch between them. - Even though the filesystem supports case-sensitivity, the OS itself treats all files as being non-case sensitive. Additionally, the current directory is always in %PATH%, so no need to invoke executables as ".\program.exe". Also, you don't need the .exe either.
  2. houston

    Does anyone have SC-55 recordings of SIGIL II yet?

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrdZe2byb2fltxxdbW27Dlw "Shitface McGee" would be probably the singular guy to ask. I think even his Doom II BGM recordings had some gaps if I'm not mistaken though, so he might do more of whatever he likes than taking on requests. But do try it, I'm probably wrong come to think of it.
  3. houston

    What actually happened to Daisy, Doomguys pet bunny?

    The demons took Daisy and they transformed her into a mega rabbit demon that's going to appear in Doom III. She will be a boss at first, but then she joins in on the adventure using the newest and best AI companion technology Id software has to offer. Apparently she'll have a computer inside her chest, and she doesn't talk out loud but you can use that computer to talk to her, it's like this in-built chatbot. That's also where you can put the cheat codes in
  4. houston

    How is your control (keys+mouse) setup?

    I ESDF, always. Interact key is G of course, right on the home row. I keep 1-5 as they are, "Q" is typically my plasma-gun key (has good synergy with Quad damage in later games, so that works out), and "W" for my BFG. With games that have more than six weapons I've gotta get creative and try to use Q, W, R, T as "upgraded" variants of the weapon keys above them, if they serve a similar purpose. In that case, Q might be an upgraded pistol (railgun/sniper), W an upgraded shotgun (other power or ballistic, Doom 4 works well for this particular case), 3 as a machine gun, 4 as an upgraded machine gun (chaingun), and R as an upgraded chaingun (plasma gun) in Quake 2's particular case, 5 as a rocket launcher and T as a BFG or something. It takes a LOT of figuring out sometimes. Sometimes I throw X into that equation since E isn't available. I REALLY wish all games were just like Half-Life and Half-Life 2. In mods and games where it's relevant, I normally have the space key (actually backspace, on my maltron-layout keyboard) set to reload, freeing up "R" for that earlier purpose. Middle-click to jump, Right click as secondary fire as per usual, and additionally, if this is a separate control in that particular game, hold Z to either "weapon Zoom" (ADS) or as a held freelook, seeing as games where it's dizzying to permanently freelook around in like Duke3D or Dark Forces will rarely have a weapon zoom function. I think that covers about everything. Don't get me started on my inventory keys in games like Duke3D, the Heretic series, Quake 2, Unreal or Warframe though, where they allow you to choose to either open up a menu, or set mnemonic hotkeys to use items directly. To make a long story short, I normally use the right side of my keyboard for that. You rarely need to use items -that- quickly. I've also got a Logitech G600 gaming mouse. Sometimes if I run out of keys to use on the left side of my keyboard, or I really -do- need to use items that quickly, I'll just slap them on there. Maybe writing this was all a bit pointless, I guess it's more for me than any readers here. Even I haven't completely figured out how my keybindings work yet.
  5. Why did this user end up getting banned? Not just for the avatar, surely?

    1. NoisyVelvet


      Probably suspected troll or a bot.  Looks like the future will have AI femdom bots running around.  Fun.

  6. houston

    What's your favorite DOOM song?

    Definitely Donna to The Rescue. Nobody Told Me About Id is a close second, but it's not something you can just pick up and listen to
  7. houston

    Question about "inappropriate content"

    the first couple levels of the game duke3d might give you some inspiration
  8. It's a huge pet peeve of mine as well, right next to all of those "Look at this incredible Doom mod! How did they get it working on this ancient engine!?" vids which clearly feature gzdoom instead
  9. houston

    Do you know some obscure 1990's PC games?

    I don't know if it can be considered "obscure" in good conscious now that the YouTube series "Ross' Game Dungeon" has covered it, but "NYET III: Revenge of The Stones" is a great lesser-known DOS game. It's the sequel to this series of two German-developed, bare-bones, text-mode DOS Tetris clones, but they really changed things up in this entry. This time around, you try to beat 126 challenge levels where you attempt to meet some victory condition while the game throws unfair, oftentimes unreplicated level gimmicks at you to halt your progress. For each level beaten you earn an in-game currency which you can use to purchase items (such as saves, which allow you to push the button once for each one) that you'll often need to defeat some of those gimmicks. And there's this sick SoundBlaster music the whole way through covering a bunch of well-known Russian cultural songs which aren't Troika or Korobeiniki which is great because fuck those songs. The licensed version of the game isn't currently in exoDOS or any of those sets, it's only available as a unpacked game install over at https://sites.google.com/nyettetris (or... it was. when did that happen?) where you have to run an executable to clear the leaderboard or else the game will crash every time it attempts to show it. In light of the game disappearing from its lone source on the Internet, I guess I'll repost it right here. The leaderboard is already cleared for you so you won't have to use that workaround, and I got rid of the included dosbox executable because that's just patronising. https://mega.nz/folder/U9MGgQbT#rhze8E7ubeDPx416SKn7tg Nyet III - Revenge of the Stones.7z Edit: Remember to run the "Install" executable to configure your controls and set your preferred sound driver!
  10. houston

    I am NOT "UAC labs"

    Hmm, that sounds exactly like what UAC Labs would say!
  11. houston

    What is the CORRECT way to write DOOM?

    Just "doom", like the executable. @Maximum Matt You sure you don't mean "Doom ]["? Every time I see it in a readme I get even angrier over it lol
  12. houston

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    There's nothing special about being able to output 200p video modes, any (modern) video card can do it out of any kind of video port. Versions of Windows after XP complicate things by requiring the user to use third-party software to enable video modes below 480p, but other operating systems have no such limitation.
  13. houston

    Can you guess what this wad is about?

    Nuke shelter!
  14. houston

    The Babysitter update

    Good stuff, no level exit? Edit: fefgfsfsfshghffhffhfdfsdfs
  15. houston

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    I don't know much about MBF, but does this port have any support for 320*200/640*400? I can't seem to find any way to disable the letterboxing/aspect ratio correction.