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About Okej5722

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  1. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Can I press the [SPACE] key?
  2. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Now that's an easy achievement!
  3. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    I didn't know you moved in! Welcome to the neighborhood!
  4. Okej5722

    What are you playing now?

    I was pretty busy with school for a while, so I didn't have a chance to catch up with my favourite FPS; however, that has changed. I just started playing Scythe.
  5. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    That is certainly a character.
  6. Okej5722

    Random Image Thread

    This was my second favourite station in the game.
  7. Okej5722

    New SC55 Soundfont 266MB (all new 44.1k samples)

    Woah, this soundfont sounds pretty nice. I might start using this with any limit-removing ports from now on.
  8. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Okay...so then, where is this wolf?
  9. Okej5722

    Random Image Thread

    It's the Rivals team's stage from KOF95. It's my favorite stage in 95.
  10. Okej5722

    Which Doom map are you?

    Underhalls, because I'm cute, and you want to deny it.
  11. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Well that's nice, I hope you reach that title soon!
  12. Okej5722

    Random Image Thread

  13. Okej5722

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Say, you were cloned from someone, right? Well, how absurd would it be if twenty-percent of you was demon - mostly to act as placeholder DNA for the missing cells that weren't able to be extracted during the cloning process from our favourite marine.