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About Firebert

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    ROAWRUUGORAUGHRAUOOOAH (im the crackodemon)

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  1. skill levels 2-4 have no effect on gameplay other than thing placement. Lowering difficulty to hntr would offer an experience that was at least intended by the author(s), rather than randomly removing a certain amount of monsters each map. If that proves too difficult as well, I believe this ZDoom mod allows you to do exactly what youve asked for.
  2. Firebert

    I have some problems with testing someones mod

    Options > Display > Hardware Renderer > Enhanced Night Vision Mode you can use the option search feature or Google for questions like that
  3. Firebert

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Doom pictures, obviously
  4. Firebert

    WAD suggestions

    DEFY THE OMPHOLOS, I CANT GIVE YOU ANY THING, and the significantly less edgy, but similarly experimental GOODWAD all come to mind.
  5. Firebert

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    looking forward to next week's regular "how to play doom" opinion thread. Maybe we'll see something like "Is ultra-violence the correct difficulty?"
  6. Firebert

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    playing this asap. looks great :)
  7. Firebert

    Post your Doom textures!

    its concrete cnctex.wad
  8. Firebert

    Doomworld has no yuletide gay

    I think it's fair to say that people generally aren't interested in playing maps that are as aesthetically inconsistent as yours. Its common for your sprites to look carelessly imported from other sources, or haphazardly edited in general. Your level design also feels quite confused and arbitrary at times. I think the most entertaining part of your maps is wondering what nonsense is going to be around each corner. And I guess it doesn't help that your map is made specifically for one source port and doesn't use many source port specific features.
  9. Firebert


    Not hand drawn but this sounds like what you're looking for.
  10. Updated Sunlust and Valiant. Thanks @RichardDS90 I haven't worked on this in a while but here are a couple that I hadn't gotten around to releasing Eviternity Maskim Xul
  11. doom is very scary😟
  12. Firebert

    Source Ports personal deal breakers (Jan 9, 2024)

    Does any developer of free software really have to care about the interests of its userbase? To even call this a problem seems entitled. Graf Zhal isn't doing the Doom community a disservice by prioritizing modern features. There doesn't need to be a "take over" because GZDoom isn't the only source port.
  13. Firebert

    Which monster you wanna be from doom 1 and 2?

    if this counts, then tech pillar is the correct answer for every situation.
  14. Firebert

    How do I setup GZDOOM to have the traditional sized HUD

    I believe the correct option would be "scale to fullscreen"