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About PistolSlap

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  1. what map is this in the latest version? For some reason after map 26 I think , it just reverts to regular doom 2, starting with map Monster Condo. I can't find this map and I'd love to play it it looks amazing
  2. PistolSlap


    Unique? Absolutely. Unplayable? Absolutely. Worst doom experience I've ever had. One star for the absolute headache, a bonus star for the uniqueness but goddamn it sucks to play.
  3. I have a couple thoughts, good and bad. The bad is that I find the wonky simplicity of the levels to be kind of boring, like "mona lisa but drawn by a 3 year old" and not really fun at all due to constantly comparing it to a better archetype. The good is that to be able to recreate these from memory is a herculean task and even a poor result is an amazing attempt. So while I didn't enjoy it, I applaud the effort.
  4. I don't know how to access the blue key. I had to use iddt to find it and I see its in a secret area in the teleport hallways, but I've gone through the whole level and I can't figure out how to legitimately unlock that area without just using noclip to get it. and what challenge is that guy talking about? really cool teleport hallways btw. a bit tedious to get through but a cool idea
  5. So I started playing this pack again, but this time I didn't use the Duke 3D mod, instead I went with brutal doom. I used to be very much against gameplay mods like assault rifles and machine pistols and hand grenades and such, I thought it compromised the spirit of the game. But I thought the brutal gibs were cool so I tried that. But when I discovered I couldn't disable all the new weapons (like the machine pistol) I decided to just go the other direction and dive into all the absurdity. And I'm glad I did, it's totally nuts! And man I don't think this map pack was built with brutal doom in mind LMAO. It literally makes the end shitfest in The Crusher impossible on harder difficulties. I had to cheat to beat it, actually just by using the invisibility powerup. Who knew that one would actually be useful? The monsters pretty much ignored me and started fighting each other haha. Are the Evil Doomguys part of brutal doom or part of your mod? They fucking suck man, worst enemies in the entire game, they compact my feces every time they're onscreen. But even so, this is great :) One funny thing is that at some point the doomguy icon glitched and was stuck in the grimace he makes when he gets hit, 100% of the time. I thought that was very appropriate for how I was feeling during that part of the level.
  6. WAIT A SECOND OMFG I just realized I make a big fucking mistake! I was talking about Ultimate.wad, which is apparently an ultimate doom 2 wad "justindoom" created by "Justin Lloyd". But this thread is a different wad which I also happen to have lol (the version I have is "ultdoom2-dv2.84.wad") So I booted this one up and actually, I remember that I love it! Although I have never quite played it as intended. I always use it with a series of Duke 3D mods, and it makes it so awesome, the way the enemies translate makes it a whole different ballgame. (If anyone wants to try it I included a zip file with all the mods, some instructions below. Although I made that zip file for a friend a while back, so it will have an older version of this wad.) Anyway man sorry about that. I'll have to find that other one and make my original complaints there. Nice job on this one though man, haha. Sorry about that. DN3Doom with the essential texture swap mod, a sprite shadow mod, and a full music swap mod. I'm sure you know all this but just extract rar into gzdoom folder, move the contents of "Duke_SiN_mod" folder into the gzdoom folder, then drag "SpriteShadow v1.9.pk3", "ultdoom2-dv2.84.wad", "Duke_Nukem3D_FullMusics.wad", and "DN3DooM.pk3" onto the gzdoom exe. mediafire.com/file/7yedfyzifeamm9p/DN3DOOM_+_addons.rar/file
  7. Thank you. :) I do like large complex levels, but I find that they're only really engaging if the levels use the enemy roster creatively. Otherwise it's like having a lavish mansion with no furniture, or perhaps several dozen kitchen chairs. XD I will try more of the pack. I wonder if I have a good version though I haven't played this wad in a while but I see in the file properties it says it was created Monday, ‎January ‎07, ‎2008, ‏‎9:18:00 AM. (Which doesn't make sense if you only started in 2014?) I think I actually got this one in May 2020. Maybe I should try a more recent version. I guess the only problem with that is having to warp to level 4 and pistol start haha.
  8. PistolSlap

    Keyboard only challenge

    Weird, I thought I saw old footage of him playing keyboard only at a tournament/LAN. But if mouse was intended, why did they 1) have the default keys bound in such a way that you couldn't strafe with one hand, you needed two hands to be able to move and turn, and either press the strafe-on button, or the alternative strafe buttons, and also 2) why would they make it so that the stupid mouse movement was bound to player movement so that you couldn't properly use the mouse and the keyboard with them conflictiong? (and it couldn't be disabled)
  9. These look pretty cool. One thing I'm wondering is there different authors for the maps? The only reason I'm wondering is I just played the first 3 levels, and I hated them, particularly the third. They were huge and convoluted and labyrinthine in the wrong way. They took me forever, and the idea of difficulty (on UV) is to have rooms crammed full of dozens of the same low-level enemy. Then other sections of the maps are totally barren. It feels like everything the opposite of a good Peterson or Romero level. It feels like it has many of the ingredients but the execution is way off. I've never been more bored at shooting hundreds of enemies before because of the lack of variety. After those 3 levels I was going to never play it again, but I thought I would check back here to see if there are other authors in the pack whose levels I could check out, or if maybe those early ones were kind of "learning" levels and they improve later on. Because I'd like to play some awesome Doom, but what I saw wasn't it.
  10. PistolSlap

    Keyboard only challenge

    So I usually play on gZdoom with slick movement controls, mouselook, and presitine graphics. But lately I've been having fun with chocolate doom, going back to how I played it back in the day, keyboard only, no mouse for anything. I've so far played through all of doom 2 on UV like that, and using two different hands for moving, turning, and strafing while firing is pretty tricky, especially how often my fingers lose the strafe keys. (Although using "Strafe on" also works, but you can't turn while you strafe if you do that.) I'm challenging you to use the configuration shown in the screenshot, no mouse, beat doom 2 on chocolate doom on UV or higher, and tell me what it was like to play super old school Doom like romero did. :D