Text File
Have fun & enjoy :)
14 april 1994
Many missing textures
Unused sectors forgotten
Name of textures not informed, sometimes.
Since I have had a number people ask me for the names of the authors who made
the WADS I included in my previous EPI1BEST and EPI2BEST, I have decided
for now on to include the names of the authors who made these levels I picked
for EPI3BEST :)
Have fun & enjoy :)
17 may 1994
P.S. (by Jive) : "Thanks for this infos, but...and the txt files, where are they ?!?"...
Why Eugen Woiwoid has not the same respect for the authors than Gary Karnik ?
(:-O) (:-[)
~~ JyEpiBest (J_E_B.wad) by Jive ~~
~~ 3 february 2001 ~~
Map01 (E1M1 in "EPI1BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map02 (E1M4 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
DETH1.WAD by Andre Lucas
Map03 (E1M5 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
TIBET.WAD by Keith Sheehan
Map04 (E1M6 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
TALLON.WAD by Ken Sumner
Map05 (E1M5 in "EPI1BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map06 (E1M6 in "EPI1BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map07 (E1M7 in "EPI1BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map08 (E1M8 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
Command Control
COMCON.WAD by Patrick Hipps
CIS - 74212, 2075
Map09 (E2M1 in "EPI2BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map10 (E2M2 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
KILLZONE.WAD by Craig J. Dudle
Map11 (E2M3 in "EPI2BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map12 (E2M4 in "EPI2BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map13 (E2M5 in "EPI2BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
Map14 (E2M6 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
ZIGGURAT.WAD by James Roven
Map15 (E2M5 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
DJW11.WAD by Don Wood
For those who know that Map15 is the level in witch
you can find entryway to Map31 (first secret level),
don't search any other exit than the normal exit!
I think that G. Karnik have made himself this change,
without saying it to anyone... Ho ho, Gary...!
Map16 (E2M8 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
SHEPHERD.WAD by Scott W. Shepherd
Map17 (E1M7 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
THELAST.WAD by Dave Sawford
Map18 (E3M2 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
COLOSEUM.WAD by Dean Ashley Svendsen
Map19 (E3M2 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
CAVLAB11.WAD by Dave Sawford
Map20 (E3M3 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
FEZ2.WAD by Grahame Fairall
Map21 (E3M4 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
OPOST21.WAD by Scott Amspoker
Map22 (E3M5 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
UCA.WAD by Eddie Nguyen
Map23 (E2M1 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
CHASE.WAD by Alex Siegel
Map24 (E3M7 in "EPI3BEST.WAD" collected by Eugen Voiwoid)
FREEDOM.WAD by Greg Grimsby
Map25 (E2M6 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
Undergound Military Bunker
BUNKER.WAD by Terry Hamel
Care of somervi@rigel.cs.pdx.edu
Map26 (E3M3 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
DUNGEON1.WAD by Miles Constable
Email : None (uploaded by Sam Wong)
Map27 (E2M8 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
author unknown! (no txt file)
Map28 (E3M1 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
Space Marine Training Facility
CIS 74577,2114
Map29 (E3M2 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
Map30 (E2M7 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
HighWire (Rocket Jones Vol. II)
HIGWIRE.WAD by Joe Cates
joe@galcit.caltech.edu ; http://www.galcit.caltech.edu/~joe/
Map31 (E3M6 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
BEWARE.WAD by Anonymous (creator of DRKSTAIR.WAD)
jorge@hairball.ecst.csuchico.edu (I guess not REALLY anonymous!!)
*** You will find "DRKSTAIR" in "JivePak1.wad" (E2M2) ***
*** http://newdoom.com/jive/Doom1.shtml ***
Map32 (E3M4 in "WadPack4.wad" collected by Gary Karnik)
*** I (Jive) have to search on Internet to found txt file...
*** Forgotten by Gary?
PENTGRAM.WAD by Jin H. Kim "Time Traveler"
Shotgun sound from Jin H. Kim "Time Traveler" in Pentgram.wad
WHAT HAVE I MADE ?...lot of things!
Map05 : Aligned textures sectors 3 to 14 and changed all textures.
Changed height sectors 28 and 29 to allow correct texture on linedef 91 (trigger)
Added tag 3 to sector 27 (up and down floor) for the fun.
Added type 9 (secret room) on sectors 38 and 77.
Aligned numerous linedefs.
Map06 : Aligned all the sectors, linedefs, doors, ceilings and textures....
Map07 : Added type 9 (secret room) to sector 70.
Aligned sectors 100, 102, 103, 106, 107, 117, 118 and 119.
Map08 : Added missing lower texture on linedefs 909 and 910.
Added x offset on linedef 1709 (exit)
Map11 : Added missing upper texture on linedefs 166 and 170, second sidedef
Sector 158 placed on editor grid lines.
Aligned textures on sectors 156, 158 and 160
Added missing lower texture on linedefs between sectors 257 and 258, 28.
Added missing lower texture on linedef 586, second sidedef.
Aligned linedef 625 with y offset.
Changed height sector 162 and 372 to obtain correct texture on linedef 625
(door) and 453, and added wanted textures.
Map12 : Placed sectors 159 to 166 on the editor grid lines.
Map13 : Changed pretty all in first out sector.
Sector 110 placed on editor grid lines.
Added x offset on linedef 347 (trigger)
Changed sector membership of the linedefs 533 to 543
Added missing upper texture on linedefs 775 and 779.
Map31 : Added missing upper texture on linedefs 815, 818 and 821, first sidedef.
Map16 : Replaced sector 68 (door) on grid (hole on floor).
Sectors 67, 84 and 87 are now moving plateforms
(I have made many changes on sectors into sector 58)
Replaced sectors 79, 80 and 120 (hand) on grid.
Map17 : Replaced sector 0, 86 to 89 on grid.
Added missing upper texture on sectors 59, 61 to 63.
Made lifting (;-]) on sectors 42 and 43 (windows), and sector 41
(final room and hall).
Map20 : Changed height on sector 33 to display switch correctly.
Replaced linedef 931 on grid.
Changed height sector 35 to 43 to display textures properly.
Map21 : Changed height sector 209 and 210 to display textures properly.
Changed height door between sectors 209 and 210 to allow bypass.
Added x offset on linedef 481 (switch).
Map23 : Aligned sector 106.
Replaced sector 157 (star) on grid, and sectors 126 to 128.
Added missing upper texture on sector 117.
Replaced sectors 27, 29, 126, 244 and 245 to 247 on grid.
Added missing lower texture on linedef 588.
Added y offset on linedef 705 and 709 (liteblue).
Added missing texture on linedef 194, second sidedef.
Added missing lower texture on linedef 1109, first sidedef.
Added missing lower texture on linedef 1164, second sidedef.
Replaced sectors 307 to 312, and 250 on grid.
Map24 : Replaced sectors 43 to 50 (start), 8, 21 and 182 on grid.
Changed type linedef 744 : action 95 (WR) raise floor --> action 22 (W1)
otherwise sector 152 raise too high and bypass is impossible!
Changed x offset on linedef 277 (trigger).
Map30 : Changed lenght linedef 195 (door) to display correct texture.
Revised on 20 january 2001 by JYD, aka "Jive"
(No fondamental modification of the levels!)
(Mistakes rectification, Missing textures research and addition with :
"WinDEU32" version 5.99b1 BCC by the "DEU team":
Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Ted Vessenes and others.)
(PWAD examination with "Wintex.exe" ver 4.3 (A WAD Editor Copyright (c) 1995)
(e-mail : Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@inf.enst.fr)
(Nodes reconstruction with :
-"Zennode.exe" (Ver 1.04, from Marc Rousseau)
(e-mail : rousseaum@pictel.com)
(Pwad reconstruction with "Wadman.exe" ver 1.03, de Carl W. Moore)
(Sysop: The Cutting Edge BBS (505)-479-4064)
(Graphic's creation or modification
- Paint Shop Pro 4.1fr. (WinShare Killer Apps)
(Creation and Pwad integration : screens with author(s) and game names
Titlepic, Title, M_Pause, M_doom, Interpic, cwilv00 to cwilv31)
(creation of "J_E_B.deh" and screenshots)
# Author : Jean-Yves Delpech aka "Jive" aka "Le freeman", 47 ans #
# Email Address : jive@newdoom.com #
# Web site : http://newdoom.com/jive/ #
Where to get Doom Legacy :
# Web site: http://student.ulb.ac.be/~tvelsuwe/DooMlgl/DooMlgle.htm #
# e-mail: tvelsuwe@ulb.ac.be (OpenGL specific)(Thierry Van Elsuwe) #
# bpereira@ulb.ac.be (Boris Pereira) #
# or #
# Web site: http://newdoom.com/doomlegacy/ #
# e-mail: legacy@newdoom.com #