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About AvantGarden

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    New Member

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  1. AvantGarden

    Hell Revealed

    Sometimes, life poses a serious question to you. "Is it all worth it?" "Is there a God?", "What is the meaning of life?" Hell Revealed asks you "How many Barons of Hell is too many?" 592.
  2. AvantGarden

    What do you want id to do next after Eternal?

    Preferably something entirely different. I appreciate what they did with Eternal but to me it missed a lot of what made Doom fun. I hope the next game is more focused on straight up simple combat and exploration instead of juggling grenades and low ammo. Keep the glory kills and the dash and the double jump, that’s all well and good, but the whole chainsaw enemies to get ammo/use flame blech and ice bomb and whatever to win stuff really really isn’t for me
  3. AvantGarden

    GZdoom controller issues

    Hey. Tried it with the keyboard and got the same result. Split second of a slow turn and then sprint turning. With a mouse, there’s obviously no issue. I’m not too knowledgable on doom technical specs but is this just how the game works with a keyboard and be default a controller?
  4. AvantGarden

    GZdoom controller issues

    hey, first post here. Using a DS4 controller on GZdoom. Works fine except whenever turning with the run button there’s a split second where DG turns slowly, like the button isn’t being held down before it goes into normal running mode turning. Is there a way to fix this or am I just permafucked? The Axis options are all set to none and everything else works fine. It’s not a massive issue because things are still playable but in the heat of the moment it can be a bit of an issue
  5. AvantGarden


    Great fun until map 28 when it becomes the worst thing ever. Fuck you erik