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   (2 reviews)


About This File

Gameplay modification for Doom(2).

You're the pilot of the experimental AS-66K Necrosuit, an assault exoskeleton developed for heavy- duty military operations. Asskicking and name-taking are your daily duties, so when the Union Aerospace Corporation wisely decides to open a gateway to Hell one fateful day, you decide to do what you do best: suit up and kick some demon ass!

The mod serves as a 'conversion' of sorts of the arsenal from Raven Software's obscure car-combat shooter "Necrodome," featuring a stylish set of suit-mounted guns loosely inspired by their Necrodome counterparts. Melt the competition with laser cannons, heat-seeking missiles, twin chainguns, and rocket scatter pods. Kablooey!

See the "Gameplay Notes" section below for a breakdown of the mod's more subtle features, like entering/exiting the Necrosuit and inventory basics.

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Hahahaha!  This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!  Playing it is a blast!  Even reading the instructions is loads of fun!


Kudos in bunches and droves and bushels!  What an awesome little mod!

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I can name three available stompy mech suit mods off the top of my head. Of those three, not only is NecroDoom one of them but the cream of the crop. It's polished and done, for one. Two, the weapons are satisfying to use (but that's been a staple of just about every Xaser gameplay mod I've tried out). Three, it strikes a balance between being fair while also making you feel like a total badass piloting a stompy mech suit blowing up demons. Four, you can even get out of your stompy mech suit and detonate it if you so desire. But don't worry! If you go back to the start spawn of the level you're on there's a shiny new mech waiting for you so you can resume your murderous shooty-bang rampage.


If you don't feel like blowing up demons, give D'Sparil's and Korax's minions a beatdown. Yep! You can use NecroDoom in Heretic and Hexen! It also works in Strife for the three people who play that game!


If you like gameplay mods like I do, this is a must-have for your download library. <3

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.