HACX is an action filled DOOM Engine game. The story is set in the near future, where you'll find yourself engrossed in an international blastfest. Wield weapons of mass destruction from China to Paris to combat a devilish artificial intelligence and...
HACX is an action filled add-on for DooM II. The story is set in the near future and you will find yourself engrossed in a international blastfest. Combating weapons of mass destruction! This package (hacx1_1s.zip) uses a DOS installation procedure...
Play HacX in high resolution with the following Source Ports: ZDoom, MBF, SMMU. (glLegacy, Legacy, Boom and PRboom can be used but requires a minor modification - see notes below). HacX is a Total Conversion for Doom II created by Banjo Software. C...
2-team Capture The Flag for HacX - single player only with up to 16 bots! Starting a game of DoomBot CTF too complex? CTF games with HacX got too many bugs? If you answered YES to either of these questions, then HacX-CTF is for you! HacX-CTF requ...
This is a set of 12 screenshots. All are taken from the registered
version of HACX(tm).
These screenshots are from various levels and show action with
several of the registered version weapons and characters....
HACX is an action filled add-on for DooM II. The story is set in the near future and you will find yourself engrossed in a international blastfest. Combating weapons of mass destruction!
This files only release doesn't need an installation to be...