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About SupremeBioVizier

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  1. SupremeBioVizier

    duke nukem wad

    That's what the exit message was referring to because that was a girl with a dilly, I have no problem with sexual liberation, thanks for playing..I made this a month ago and what I'm working on now is much more PC, I wanted to put my friend in a wad because he works at a strip club and the whole thing evolved from that idea.
  2. SupremeBioVizier

    duke nukem wad

    https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZObRk0Z6liizcKODU0xFRPHIJBHWh5A0jWk here is my duke nukem/doom guy map that leads to a showcase, enjoy. DOOM2 for GZDOOM made with zdoom format/doom port in slade3 press f1 for details
  3. SupremeBioVizier

    UAC Blacksite - My First Release - AVAILIBLE NOW

    Yeah I wanted to do a video on this because is fucking great, but I was afraid It would be half of me trying to remember what triggers what... definitely not boring, and the room where once the barons are killed and the super shot gun appears was fun balanced slaughter. Cheers.
  4. SupremeBioVizier

    Doomcute thread

    i love my candelabras, brothel map in the works
  5. .......

    1. SupremeBioVizier


      DOOM #2 THE ANATOMY OF A CYBER DEMON - WAD Releases & Development - Doomworld

    2. SupremeBioVizier


      DOOM #2 THE ANATOMY OF A CYBER DEMON - WAD Releases & Development - Doomworld

  6. SupremeBioVizier

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    https://zdoom.org/wiki/Strings - I did not see anything about changing the "A SECRET IS REVEALED'' hud message on this wiki... [STRINGS] TAG_SECRET = "what the fuck?" ^that doesnt seem to work...anyone know? never mind I'm a genius, threw in, [STRINGS] secretmessage = "---" SO QUESTION TWO: is there anyway to get a punch sound to activate? because there seems not to be a sound for a punch....
  7. SupremeBioVizier

    Map ideas

  8. SupremeBioVizier

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    The song starts and she slowly appears from the radio and it becomes a boss fight show down, THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED!!!
  9. SupremeBioVizier

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    rabbits with guns, why not.
  10. SupremeBioVizier

    BlackJack Series

    I find these first attempt maps very satisfying.


    only revisions will be texture alignment and a few other cosmetic issues.

  12. SupremeBioVizier

    who're your favorite mappers

    Does anyone know if Henk Gierveld is still alive?