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About Colusio

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  1. Colusio

    Can Doom be considered a horror game?

    When I played beyond kadath it felt like a horror game. I saw this thread and replayed it. A revenant kicked me and I felt death in an open grave. I'm little bit anxious now. The ending of inferno ( episode 3 ) was the only horror moment in Doom for me.
  2. Colusio

    Baron of hell anatomy?

    They absorb bullets and pellets until a certain threshold. Then they'll die immediately due to "poisoning".
  3. Xp has support for full screen in dos. Windows 7 and it's predecessor Vista lost that.
  4. Colusio

    Debut Map! Trouble In Rubble City

    I like maps that create their own world. Doesn't look like the other city levels, I played which made it refreshing. Level progression different then I expected, felt natural. Thanks for making this.
  5. Colusio


    @Doomdude89 Did you kill all the monsters? @that guy23442 Welcome, it was too hard for me,
  6. Played "refueling base" (map10 doom 2) and "stronghold" (map 9 TNT) on uv. All went well and suddenly a was totally overwhelmed. I think uv max of refueling base is possible with this enhancement but I'm not 100% sure. I love this mod.
  7. I enjoyed your map, it feels bigger than it is. The part with the revenants and the card is great. I didn't take the sphere and with luck and cover I barely survived. I somehow managed to get in the courtyard with the red switch. Maybe that window shouldn't be passable.
  8. Colusio

    What is the worst map you can create?

    This inspired me to make e1m1 90 degrees clockwise rotated in my dreams.
  9. Colusio

    what is the best doom wad according to you

    Equinox Lost civilization caverns of darkness I forgot to play NEIS. Love valiant, back to saturn x, speed of doom ... Edit: Memento Mori both of them. I hope someday to play them again on a crt screen.
  10. Colusio

    I need suggestions

    I had fun doing speedruns in Entryway and it made my fingers better. I guess it helps with getting the timings of the monsters.
  11. Colusio

    The /newstuff Chronicles #546

    The forum is very active so this silence of four months in real life shouldn't happen. I think a not for profit is what this website and all creators and players deserve.
  12. Colusio


    This is a nice small "old school" level with lovely creativity. The wolfenstein influences are obvious, the beginning has doom realism and in the end there's (probable unwanted) doom abstraction-ism. It's a little unfair: enough ammo but not at the right time, it's E3M1 ( dead end ) and you wouldn't want to go the toilet there in a hurry. Recommended if you like vintage maps
  13. Colusio

    The /newstuff Chronicles #492

    An ad hominem argument is a false argument, so it can't share nor like your opinion, I don't even have an account on Facebook. Btw I discovered that I can't play Valiant due the fact weapons disappear after switching.I used PrBoom-Plus v2.5.1.4 with complevel 11. Pity, looks like a worthy winner.
  14. Colusio

    It seems we don't really exist.

    13 new levels since beginning this month, hobomaster22 celebrated his thirdy-third anniversary and this filthy casual wants a community chest 4 1/2.
  15. Colusio

    Smoothing out the sprited

    Just played on the lowest resolution prboom could do* 640x480 (* from the menu) on a 13inch laptop. Pixels. Downloaded chocolate-doom, launched it "chocolate-doom -window -width 320 height 200 -1" and pixels again. The engine didn't listen really to the commands: I_InitGraphics: 8bpp color depth not supported. I_InitGraphics: Auto-adjusted to 320x240x32bpp. But doom never was smooth, ain't it ?