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About DannyMan

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  1. Once again, the one and only mapΒ is still being worked on. I just don't know how to continue.

  2. DannyMan

    Would you?

    I guess not...
  3. I wouldn't even survive in The Last of Us
  4. Happy Birthday to Doom, I guess

  5. DannyMan

    Mapping - how much of it is talent?

    If you can map, you map.
  6. Once again reminding that I am still developing the level, now in the city part (barely finished.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DannyMan


      Single level wad

    3. Lonespacemarine


      Let me guess. This was is the complete opposite of your previous wad where were no demons. I guess this wad wi be packed to the brim with monsters

    4. DannyMan


      There would be some monsters, just that it's balanced here

  7. DannyMan

    Post your Doom textures!

    Those extended BIGDOOR textures are great for hangers
  8. Just reminding that the subway level has been complete (50%)

  9. DannyMan

    Weirdest Ads You've Ever Seen?

    Could it be this one?
  10. DannyMan

    Ban this Hamas supporter!

    But he ain't harboring a Hamas flag though...
  11. DannyMan

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Halfway done (the subway part is finished)
  12. DannyMan

    Source-portmanteau Name Game

    DannyMan's Source Port
  13. DannyMan

    Alex Jones has a video game.

    What about making a Alex Jones wad?
  14. DannyMan

    How to get a better mapping schedule?

    Focus only on one project and progress to finishing it