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About therektafire

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  1. Actually looking into the script stuff more I think rhere might be a sort of Zscript vs ACS thing going on since supposedly the maps contain "the names of script routines" and rcc inputs "scripts" and outputs a "scripts.rpc" so I'm wondering if RCC is for ACS type stuff and then "VampC" (which is the supposedly missing tool if I'm reading things right) is more like Zscript/quakeC and is what is used for the actual entity scripting.
  2. So looking in the source code folder I think `rcc`/`rcc-freeze` is the script compiler, looking around in the files in there if I understand it correctly it looks like it uses a VM approach with "opcodes" similar to quakec, I found this in `rccobj.h` for example: Followed by a big list of opcodes and some stuff about jump tables and variable types below that. So I think that tool might be accounted for, though I'm on my phone right now so I can't really try to build it and see if it works
  3. therektafire

    I make Quake maps now.

    There is but the proper way to make a quake map is to actually seal it (completely close off the interior of the map from the void with brushes) instead of doing what jimmy did here which seems to be just putting the entire map in a big sky box if that video is anything to go by lol. Otherwise the map will not only be pretty unoptimized in terms of polygons but the vis tool (the program that calculates what parts of the map can and can't be seen from other parts, basically the equivalent of the REJECT table generator for doom map compiling I think) won't work properly either and the entire map will basically be rendered at once this way.
  4. therektafire

    Neapolitan Doom v0.02

    So for the lua scripting I would personally recommend using luaJIT since it would be faster than normal lua so the game might not lag as much if someone decides to make a more complex mod, I mean not that doom is a particularly demanding game to begin with but it is something to consider
  5. therektafire

    Doomworld's Opinion On Blood?

    I started playing it a few days ago and I like what I've played so far, I wish the map editor was better though 😂 ultimate doom builder it is not, it gets the job done of course but you can tell its straight from the 90s, you even have no option but to run it in dosbox which doesnt help :P
  6. I made a part for B1, it's a storage area attached to the hangar with crates strewn around at random angles, you can shoot the big box to open it and get a weapon (ideally the SSG) but there is a chaingunner inside too (orange dot), theres also a chaingunner in the lower left hiding behind a box looking at a marine corpse (bluish dot) and some armor (green), obviously its meant to be kind of a trap :D. A couple of boxes are open and have ammo (yellow) and there are a couple of imps as well (red), oh yeah and you are meant to be able to shoot the box on the lower right too and an imp is in there as well :P
  7. therektafire

    Ports for Doom 64?

    What features does it have compared to doom64 EX
  8. therektafire

    PsyDoom 1.1.1 - PSX Doom port (reverse engineered) for PC

    How about instead of "psyqdoom" the name could be "psyqoom", rolls off the tongue slightly better imo and matches up with the "replace the d with some other letter" trope of some ports like boom and vavoom
  9. therektafire

    Ultimate Doom Builder

    @cr0ma what error are you getting exactly
  10. therektafire

    Mapwich 2!! Come join the chaos

    @Walter confettiPretty sure camron means something like Nick Camron or other people with "camron| in their last name, can't think of anywhere else its used
  11. therektafire

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Oh does k8vavoom have support for rendertextures? interesting, also can these things (amount of camera textures available per frame and camera texture fps) be available in the console or via mapinfo or something? Also is there any good vavoomc documentation yet?
  12. therektafire

    Half-Life: Alyx - Valve flagship VR game

    Considering that only 1% of steam users even own a VR headset apparently, the game is probably going to flop simply out of a lack of any actual playerbase unless they release some sort of non VR version
  13. therektafire

    Should I ditch Zdoom/Hexen and just map for UDMF?

    Well unless you're stuck with a system that you can't run gzdoom builder on for whatever reason then yes I would say you should use udmf, it has all the features that hexen format has and more and some things that you do in hexen format are easier to do in udmf like slopes, sector light colors/fog etc
  14. therektafire

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    hey @ketmar have you seen this yet?
  15. therektafire

    Is it possible to create space above space?

    You don't really need 3d floors for that sort of thing, unless you want the player to be able to see over the top of the structure as well, you could do something like this in basically any format, just put a sky texture on the ceiling of all the areas you want to have the skybox then for the actual structure give every sector of it a lower ceiling height and apply the appropriate texturing. If you want certain sides of the structure to look lower then draw a separate sky sector around them and make it lower, but make sure that if you do it this way the player's eye height is never level with it or they won't be able to see around it which could look weird