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About Soul_Runner

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  1. Soul_Runner

    Bingo Competition 2023

    Frog and Toad Map02 UV Speed in 1:28.83 ft02-128.zip
  2. Soul_Runner

    1x1 [MBF21] (Final Release)

    Glad you enjoyed the map :D My focus was definitely more around aesthetics and themeing than combat and gameplay, happy to be one of the easier maps in the set since im not exactly the greatest doomer myself.
  3. Soul_Runner

    1x1 [MBF21] (Final Release)

    I (in a small part (MAP02)) Made this :)
  4. Soul_Runner


    Took a quick glance at the first few levels, One of the map sets ever made
  5. Session 30 Demos aby3001p014.zip Map 01 Pacifist in 0:14.66 aby3002M159.zip Map 02 Max in 1:59.89 aby3004p129.zip Map 04 Pacifist in 1:29.77 aby3005p130.zip Map 05 Pacifist in 1:30.49 aby3006p151.zip Map 06 Pacifist in 1:51.37 aby3007p049.zip Map 07 Pacifist in 0:49.34 aby3008p048.zip Map 08 Pacifist in 0:48.29 aby3009p058.zip Map 09 Pacifist in 0:58.80 aby3010p102.zip Map 10 Pacifist in 1:02.37 aby3012p111.zip Map 12 Pacifist in 1:11.94
  6. Played through all the maps and looked at all the maps on the other modes, Certified GOODWAD
  7. Soul_Runner

    MBOS demos [-complevel 21]

    Map11 Stroller in 1:05.03 mbos11str105.zip Video Link: mbos11str105
  8. Happy Birthday Mr.4StunExplosion! Hope it's a good day!
  9. Soul_Runner

    MBOS demos [-complevel 21]

    MAP11 Pacifist in 0:34.31 mbos11p034.zip Video Link: mbos11p034
  10. aby64 demos from the contest, better late than never :) Map03 Stroller in 1:07.29 aby6403str107.zip Map04 Stroller in 0:14.74 aby6404str014.zip Map06 Pacifist in 0:24.11 aby6406p024.zip
  11. Session 01 Map03 Pacifist in 0:28.91 - aby0103p028.zip Map04 Pacifist in 0:38.37 - aby0104p038.zip Session 13 Map05 Pacifist in 0:23.66 - aby1305p023.zip Map06 Pacifist in 0:19.60 - aby1306p019.zip Map07 Pacifist in 0:09.66 - aby1307p009.zip Map09 Pacifist in 0:19.20 - aby1309p019.zip Map10 Pacifist in 0:44.89 - aby1310p044.zip
  12. Missed one - This is using an alternate version of the wad as Map02 had an issue. Session 12 Map02 Pacifist in 0:31.00 - aby1202p031.zip
  13. Session 12 Pacifist fills: Map01 Pacifist in 0:47.40 - aby1201p047.zip Map03 Pacifist in 0:30.80 - aby1203p030.zip Map08 Pacifist in 0:12.51 - aby1208p012.zip
  14. Session 10 MAP 04 in 0:29 Session 10 MAP 05 in 0:47 aby1004p029.zip aby1005p047.zip MAP 04 Vod MAP 05 Vod
  15. Seems like i may have to return to ft01p :thinking: