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About Cacodemon187

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    186 more to collect!

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  1. Will do! I agree about both points you made on the map. I do have a couple ideas on how to tweak them for the better, which I'll save for when I get to editing it a couple weeks down the line.
  2. You did a fantastic job, Monti!! I love the way the level unfolds, specially when you enter the corrupted spawning vats hall at the last stretch of the map. I'd like to edit it further now that it's in a more complete state if that's not an issue, although I'd start doing that in january as these holidays will get pretty busy for me. One thing that worries me is that the map is not vanilla compatible, there's some VPOs here and there plus a couple tutti frutti effects. I'll help fix these up after the holidays. Thank you for finishing the map :)
  3. Hell yeah! It was fun to make a map for this :) The Line Massacre wads are always a joy to map for and blast through, and this one is no exception.
  4. Cacodemon187

    2023 Cacowards

    Man, I'm so thankful for everybody who played El Viaje de Diciembre and believed in the project! Being paired up with so many great releases, some of them being my friends', is just awesome. Thank you @baja blast rd. for the wonderful write-up :) Representing a part of the culture of my country was one of the main goals of the mapset, so I'm glad it came out as I envisioned it. Thanks again for the cacoward, it has made my day! I don't want to be held up to a certain standard now, I'll just keep making my maps with the same attitude and will as I always have.
  5. Really interesting channel! There's like an entire industry's worth of midis from the community, glad to see a channel that goes more in depth into it :)
  6. Thank you so much for the Gold Jabbaward™!! It's an honor to see my projects be paired with so many awesome releases :)
  7. Cacodemon187

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Holy shit, I love this so much <3
  8. Bump! Chicocos S.A. is now on /idgames!!! Thank you all for playing, your comments and demos brighten my day :)
  9. More FDAs! Got through maps 09 to 13, recorded in DSDA 0.27.4, in HMP. 00FDA_Bythehour9-13.zip Map 13 is my favourite so far, the midi is kickass and so is the map :) Love the apocalyptic setting too, y'all pulled it off pretty well! The jagged geometry and nonsensical way the buildings are arranged, although product of frantically putting something together in 3 hours, really add to the atmosphere imo.
  10. Cacodemon187

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    You've made the stock Doom 2 sky look presentable, nice. Fits perfectly with the atmosphere you're going for! Awesome doomcute too :)
  11. Cacodemon187

    [Vanilla -cl2] 17th Birthday Map

    Happy birthday! Played through it and recorded a dsdademo, version 0.27.4, on UV: 00FDA_syn17.zip Very simple and Hell Revealed-esque map, I liked it a lot! I ran into some trouble here and there but I persevered and eventually made it out alive. Pretty fun map to practice crowd control skills and running between hordes of monsters. The midi fit the map like a glove imo, nice work :)
  12. Cacodemon187

    "New year, new URE" - URE:E2 - E2M2 up!

    That grate looks so cartoony lol
  13. That could work, it's worth a try! It'd be nice to have a smoother animation for the RL but if it's not possible then I wouldn't sweat it. Doesn't make the maps any less fun to play :)
  14. I'm back with more FDAs!! This time from maps 05 to 08, ran in the RC2 release with DSDA Doom 0.27.3, in HMP, with a mix of continous and pistol-start playthrough. 00FDA_Bythehour5-8.zip The quality keeps ramping up, and I was pleasantly surprised by the riveting lore the wad contains. It deserves a novel! Seriously though, these maps have been really good given the alloted time limit. Found no mapping mistakes this time other than a small misalignment in map07 (just nitpicking lol) The only things I have some kind of gripe against are the Missile Launcher's animation and the damaging water in the snow episode. The ML looks really choppy and feels like it fires slower than normal. Not sure if that's the case, but it could definitely be improved to be on par with the rest of the new weapon sprites. The damaging water is a bit hard to notice when you're running around shooting shit, it blends very well with the white enviroment unlike other damaging liquids. Not sure how it could be improved, but I figured I should mention it. Love the Scimitar Goblins and the Brown Zombieguys btw, I'll keep playing through this in the next couple of days :)