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About DeletedAccount

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    No no no i wont join dw again bye dw

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  1. DeletedAccount

    Is Boom good?

    Demo recording and speedrunning is the core/heart of Doom game. Shame on you, you are insulting demo recording and speedrunning community by saying **are demos and speedrunning really needed.**
  2. DeletedAccount

    Is Boom good?

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Joke of the year lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 DSDA, Woof!, PrBoom plus is also used by many people who prefer strict Vanilla/Boom gameplay and for demo recording purposes, which ZDoom based ports lack...
  3. DeletedAccount

    What is the best map you have made?

    Still the map is in WIP :)
  4. DeletedAccount

    What's something about Doom that you absolutely hate?

    Pain elementals are always good news espicially on complevel 9 ;)
  5. DeletedAccount

    So, how old are you ?

    Hell Revealed map 26!
  6. DeletedAccount

    Pistol starts vs continuous play: which do you prefer?

    If you ask me, I don't play any other games execpt Doom. Doom, pistol start, Plutonia style Boom compatible super instant death exits, Ultimate Doom Builder and DSDA Doom source port, all these things are very important part and parcel of my life!💯💯💯
  7. DeletedAccount

    What's something about Doom you absolutely love?

    There are many masterpieces like Plutonia, AV, Lost Civilization, Plutonia 2, Sunlust, etc. But Plutonia of Casali Brothers is epic coz it was the basis of almost or I dare say all maps that was made after the release of Plutonia Experiment.
  8. DeletedAccount

    Pistol starts vs continuous play: which do you prefer?

    Just like how one man can't live without his heart, the same way, my maps are incomplete without death exits... I love them v much. Oh and yeah, those people who are serious pistol-starters **will never be bothered by the death exits tbh.**
  9. This is a post where everyone can discuss what they like/love about Doom! Discuss freely and in a friendly way ;)
  10. DeletedAccount

    Pistol starts vs continuous play: which do you prefer?

    I didn't knew who is OP, so I was confused first, then I felt a bit suspicious about it. Anyways.👍
  11. DeletedAccount

    Pistol starts vs continuous play: which do you prefer?

    God, I am 18 year old, don't call me sir lol. Also, I am feeling suspicious that what heated chocolate wants to say ??? What/who is OP ??? Do you know ???
  12. DeletedAccount

    Pistol starts vs continuous play: which do you prefer?

  13. DeletedAccount

    So, how old are you ?

    Even I am 18 rn, will turn 19 on April 04, 2023.
  14. DeletedAccount

    So, how old are you ?

    Same here lol ;)
  15. DeletedAccount

    What's something about Doom that you absolutely hate?

    Dude, intercepts overflow and blockmap bug are different tho they are inter-related. If you play on strict complevel 9 on any demo compatible port, like e.g DSDA, PrB+, Woof!, you can have blockmap bug, but you will never have intercepts bug, because these intercepts, spechits, reject, missedbackside, donut, playeringame overflows were fixed in Boom. But Boom didn't fix Blockmap bug, so technically blockmap bug and intercepts are different, tho they are related.