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About Fookerton

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  1. Fookerton

    MIDI Originals [09/06/2023]

    Really great sci-fi/cyberpunk feel to these. "Luminous" and the two "Relic" tracks would make great Descent tracks, and "Cybernetic" sounds straight out of Deus Ex. Love the rhodes piano (i think that's the instrument) bit in Titan's Rain. Fantastic work dude.
  2. Fookerton

    Sharing some MIDI (UPDATED 1/19/2024)

    Thanks for the kind words. Thank you! I've lurked around for years, usually ending up here after google searches. Awesome. I'm a fan of your music and maps alike, so thanks. I'll definitely check this out. That's a shame. I've always just dealt with the lack of coop spawns when it's hosted on zand, though a couple maps I think it really hoses a few players. It is unfortunate, because the size of the maps really lends itself well to coop play.
  3. A few months back my friend Tiddles loaned me guitar pro 5, so I tried my hand at sequencing some midis for Doom. I'd like to share some with you, feel free to use any as you like. Since I'm still new at this, don't expect anything on par with the lush orchestrations of BTSX or Ancient Aliens; these are all relatively simplistic, partly by design and partly due to my own ineptitude. I will at least say that most of these are influenced more by the custom MIDIs I've heard while playing Doom than any of Bobby Prince's stuff. Anyways, this is more a quick dump for feedback. Tiddles and I's objective is to make a full music replacement wad for 32-map megawads, mostly to use for hosting on zandronum. Many megawads have either vanilla music or questionable music choices, and I'm tired of using mm2mus.wad over and over. And while there are many other fantastic options on that front, we just figured to make our own. To that end, you can find a replacement wad of our midis for one of my favorite old-school mapsets "Dark Covenant" here. Below you'll find a list and short description of the midi tracks attached. On a technical note regarding playback, anything based on the Roland GS soundset should be decent enough. GZDoom should sound fine out of the box, but if you're using Zand then Windows' default synth will likely bork playback of some of the faster ones (Sugar Slayer in particular), so I'd recommend using a softsynth proper. As for recommended soundfonts, I'd just go with good ol scc1t2.sf2 or gm.sf2. There's also DooM.sf2 that I have which sounds great, but I have no idea who made it or how I acquired it. If you don't want to deal with any of that or for those whose have effed midi playback, I've converted all these files to .mp3 using the gm.sf2 soundfont which you can download or listen to here. fookmidi.rar