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Widescreen HUD in DSDA or Nugget Doom?

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Posted (edited)

Hey, so I've been wondering, is there a way to maybe get an HUD lookin' like this mockup I made, somehow, or is it just GZDoom for now....




Also Happy New year Doomers :3


Edit: It is possible, at least for Nugget Doom, file attached below...

Edited by Beemer

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On 1/2/2024 at 7:41 PM, Beemer said:

Hey, so I've been wondering, is there a way to maybe get an HUD lookin' like this mockup I made, somehow, or is it just GZDoom for now....


Such a HUD is perfectly doable in Nugget by using NUGHUD. In fact, a while back I recreated a similar GZ HUD with it just for fun:




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oooo, I see, I think i actually might have played with this mod recently. Maybe I'll try and go over the NUGHUD docs to see what I can cobble up.

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You can make something similar-ish in dsda-doom, the numbers etc. can be in those positions but without the actual statusbar background. Also the weapon and ammo numbers will be in a different font.


Not up to walking you through it right now but here's some links that might help

dsda hud docs: https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom/blob/master/docs/hud.md

default hud lump: https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom/blob/master/prboom2/data/lumps/dsdahud.lmp

some other huds to use as references:




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Posted (edited)

thanks, though I'm already making one for Nugget Doom, might make a DSDA one later as well...






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Posted (edited)

OK, I think I'm done

It looks good though unfortunately there's no way of having a "split" HUD with custom STBAR graphics (like with some mods, yet...), but other than that I think it makes a pretty decent modern vanilla-looking HUD. No extra bells and whistles. No mugshot graphics unfortunately for aesthetic reasons. Might make a custom version later...




Screenshot with D64D2.wad:





You can find the wad on the main Nugget Doom Topic, somewhere...


Edited by Beemer

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On 1/4/2024 at 1:42 AM, Alaux said:


Such a HUD is perfectly doable in Nugget by using NUGHUD. In fact, a while back I recreated a similar GZ HUD with it just for fun:

  Reveal hidden contents




OK I might have figured out how to make this mostly universal for custom status bars, but it would need a mask layer. Stupid ask I know but would this maybe ever be a consideration?


And yes it'll probably be super hacky :)

Edited by Beemer : le grammar

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2 hours ago, Beemer said:

OK I might have figured out how to make this mostly universal for custom status bars, but it would need a mask layer. Stupid ask I know but would this maybe ever be a consideration?


And yes it'll probably be super hacky :)

Someone already asked about the possibility of cropping patches, which I guess is fairly similar. See here for my resolution.

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